Chapter 675 Gratitude

Holding the kids' hands, Avery guided them toward the couple and patted their heads. “This is your granddad and granny. Say hello.”

Standing straight, the adorable twins greeted the couple in unison and introduced themselves as Zachary and Rory.

“Oh, such adorable babies!” Claire's eyes welled up with tears. She never imagined that she would find her daughter in her lifetime, let alone gain two smart grandchildren as a bonus.

William had always been good at concealing his emotions, but at this moment, even he couldn't control himself.

Just like any ordinary doting grandfather, he squatted down to meet the gazes of the two little ones.

Caressing their heads, he asked them lovingly, “How old are you two? What year are you in?”

Though he had already learned about the kids' condition from his wife, he still wanted to hear them tell him in person because he adored children. He loved their crispy, cute voices and the innocent look in their eyes.

“Granddad, my name is Rory, and I'm in first grade of elementary school. I love singing, dancing, drawing, and sleeping.” Rory, who was friendly and outgoing, was the first to introduce herself to William. She even struck a dance pose, which put a smile on William and Claire's faces.

Zachary, on the other hand, rolled his eyes in annoyance as he watched his sister acting cute.

William, who had never seen such an adorable little girl before, inadvertently spread out his arms. “Come over here, Rory. Let me give you a hug.”

Rory threw herself into William's arms without hesitation.

Granddad smells pleasantly of pine, somewhat like Daddy. I like it.

She clung to her grandfather's neck, refusing to let go, and sat on his lap. Blinking her round, bright eyes, she touched the stubble at the corner of William's lips and said in surprise, “Wow. Granddad, your beard is pricklier than Dad's.”

William pinched the child's cheek affectionately.

Her tender skin resembled a peeled egg, so soft that he dared not exert much force. “I'm glad you like it.”

The little girl had the sweet scent of milk on her. As her soft, tiny body squirmed in William's arms, the man appeared stiff and at a loss. He was worried that he might be too rough and end up causing discomfort to the little girl.

The stumped look on his face tickled Avery pink.

Meanwhile, Claire squatted down and gazed at Zachary, who appeared to be a little gentleman, and asked politely, “Zach, can Granny give you a hug?”

This child is not only good-looking but also incredibly smart. Despite being only six years old, he has already skipped grades and is now in the third grade. Moreover, he has won numerous provincial and even national trophies at such a young age. Claire was particularly fond of this precocious grandson of hers.

Zachary, too, took a liking to his grandmother, who looked very much like his mother. Bashfully humming an acknowledgment, he was then embraced by Claire.

Holding her grandson in her arms and feeling the tangible sensation, Claire finally confirmed she wasn't dreaming.

At long last, she finally found her daughter and her grandchildren.

Tears flowed from the corner of her eyes, falling onto Zachary's forehead.

Zachary felt something warm drop on his forehead and lifted his hand to wipe it off. Upon seeing his grandmother in tears, he was annoyed.

I finally know why Mommy and Rory are such crybabies! Turns out they got it from Granny!

As night fell, the city came to life with splendid lights lighting up everywhere.

The Lambert family hosted a grand reunion banquet for Avery.

The reunion banquet was held in the lobby of a magnificent and was exceptionally grand and luxurious, even more so than Evangeline's banquet. Moreover, the entire hotel was closed to the public that day, showing just how much importance William and Claire placed on their daughter.

All the notable figures in Ackleton attended the banquet.

The comical misunderstanding when the Lambert family misidentified their daughter still remained fresh in the minds of some who attended the banquet last time. Nicole's scandalous act of seducing the chief physician also caused quite a stir that day.

Now that the Lambert family was openly declaring their reunion with their long-lost daughter once again, many people came over with the intention of watching a good show.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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