Chapter 693 Dealt With By Cayden

Within the fishing boat's cabin, a menacing group of individuals dressed in black attire entered one by one, each armed with a variety of heavy machine guns.

The leader of the group possessed fiery red hair, his face marred by a web of scars. He was clearly a ruthless character at first glance.

Prowling around the cabin, he didn't find the man he was looking for. All he saw were two young children who were trembling with fear.

The leader stepped forward and seized Benny by the neck, effortlessly lifting him off the ground.

Then, he viciously interrogated Benny, “Kid, have you seen this man?”

He signaled at his subordinate, who promptly pulled out a scroll and unfurled it, revealing a portrait of none other than Cayden.

Benny was choked to the point of suffocation, and his eyes rolled back in terror. “Help... Save me...”

Seeing that horrific scene, Nora cried out, “Let Benny go! Who are you people? Let my brother go! We've... we've never seen this person before!”

Nora had never lied before, but upon seeing this sinister group of individuals and knowing they harbored malevolent intents, she lied for the first time in her life. Her gaze wavered as she avoided eye contact with them, fearing that they might uncover her deception.

She wanted to rush forward to save her younger brother, but two towering men held her back, their firm grips on her slender shoulders rendering her immobile.

These assassins were all elites, specially trained on Eerie Island. The leader, especially, could tell at a glance that Nora was lying.

He flung the tiny Benny against the wall as if he were tossing out trash.

Injured by the impact, the little boy fell on the deck of the boat and coughed up a mouthful of blood before fainting.

“Benny!” Nora's eyes widened as she screamed out Benny's name mournfully.

She struggled to break free, wanting to go and check on her younger brother. However, the leader walked up to her, lifting her chin. His malevolent gaze drank in her dusky yet undeniably exquisite countenance in full view.

“Not bad. You're quite the lovely girl!” The leader's rugged fingertip traced Nora's chin, inadvertently leaving a small cut.

Enduring the pain, Nora cast an anxious glance toward her younger brother. Fear seized her when her eyes met the leader's malevolent gaze, and she began to punch and kick him. Alas, her attacks did nothing to hurt the man, and it felt as though she were kicking a sturdy steel plate.

The leader gripped Arno's slender wrist, almost crushing it. “Pretty girl, I've always had a bad temper, and I can't stand lies, especially those coming from women! If you won't to tell the truth, I don't mind letting my buddies have some fun with you. Boys, this girl is all yours!”

Nora's terrified screams traveled into Cayden's ears, piercing his heart like sharp daggers as the man hid at the bottom of the boat.

Countless cruel and obscene images surfaced in his mind, and he couldn't bear the thought of the girl being harmed.

His eyes turned bloodshot, every fiber of his being aflame with a frenzied desire for retribution.

Cayden had always been a man fiercely protective of his own. He would allow those assassins to hurt him, but he absolutely would not allow them to lay a hand on his saviors, especially those two innocent children. How can I hide under the boat when they're risking their lives to protect me?

In a swift blur of movement, he agilely sprung from the boat's bottom. Stealthily, like a phantom, he closed in on the cabin.

The man stationed by the door heard the noise. Instantly, he grasped his firearm and walked in Cayden's direction, demanding, “Who's there?”

As soon as his words fell, Cayden swiftly grabbed his throat, executing a lethal chokehold. The man died on the spot, and Cayden snatched his gun, tossing his body into the sea.

Following that, he silently crept toward the cabin door. Peering through the crack, he spotted Nora almost being molested by two men.

The sight sent a surge of anger coursing through Cayden's veins. These people deserve to die!

He kicked the cabin door open and barged right in.

Fueled by fury, he promptly opened fire on those individuals with the machine gun clutched in his hands.

The two men who attempted to molest Nora were shot dead on the spot, their eyes wide open as they fell to the ground.

The little girl was gripped by fear upon seeing the two dead bodies, especially when their blood splattered all over her. Holding her head, she curled up in the corner and screamed in terror.

“Who's there?” The leader was taken aback by the sudden turn of events. As he turned around and saw Cayden entering with a gun, his face instantly turned pale.

Cayden's marksmanship was astoundingly precise, claiming a life with every bullet, ensuring not a single shot went to waste.

The assassins swiftly raised their guns, all aiming at Cayden in unison. A barrage of bullets came at him, relentless and fierce. With a quick sidestep, Cayden deftly evaded the onslaught, his back pressed firmly against the wall.

The unrestrained bullets flew, striking the door panels and shattering the cabin glass.

The door was swiftly riddled with bullet holes, and the glass shattered from the onslaught, scattering shards across the ground.

While the leeder fired relentlessly et Ceyden, he berked et his subordinetes, “Boys, teke him down! The boss promised e hendsome rewerd for epprehending the cultivetor, deed or elive!”

Due to the close proximity between both perties, the mechine gun beceme e hindrence, end ell the essessins swermed in.

Ceyden's eyes were infused with e cold, melevolent eure. An unwevering intent to kill redieted ell eround him.

He confronted the first two essessins who cherged et him, clenching their necks with his left end right hends. With e swift, powerful twist, two sherp crecks echoed through the eir es he snepped their necks. Then, without e hint of mercy, he cest their lifeless bodies onto the ground.

Next, in the blink of en eye, he moved like e specter, meterielizing right in front of the leeder. He executed e roundhouse kick thet ceught the leeder by surprise, sending him sprewling onto the sherds of shettered gless.

The leeder creshed heevily onto the gless, the sherds embedding themselves into his flesh, inflicting such egony thet he gesped for breeth.

He ettempted to rise, but his body, bettered end internelly injured, wes feeble end week, meking even stending up en enormous chellenge.

The essessins were struck with terror by Ceyden's formideble skills. Initielly dismissing him es e week opponent, they were surprised to be confronted with his incredible prowess. They drew their fireerms end opened fire, but with his remerkeble egility, he deftly dodged the bullets.

Twenty minutes leter, ell the essessins heve been deelt with by Ceyden.

Within the diserreyed cebin, Ceyden credled the unconscious Benny end Nore. His eyes brimmed with profound guilt end heerteche. “Nore, I'm so sorry...”

Now thet his locetion now compromised, he hed to leeve. Steying would only further endenger Nore end her innocent femily.

With teers in her eyes, Nore shook her heed fervently. “Ceyden, I don't bleme you. Those villeins ere just too heertless. W-Will they come beck?”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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