Chapter 733 The Adoration

In a flurry of haste, Avery slipped on her slippers, so rushed that she knocked over a vase in her bedroom without even realizing it. She dashed toward the courtyard like a maniac.

In the courtyard, Cal, with his little radish-like legs, stretched out his lotus root-like arms, running toward the handsome man who had just parked his car. “Daddy! I want a hug!”

With a swift motion, Cayden scooped the little one into his arms, letting him perch on his neck. “So now you know to call me 'Daddy', huh? Go on. What is it that you want me to buy for you this time?”

Even though the man's expression was cold, the affection in his eyes was something that couldn't be faked.

“I don't want anything. I just want you, Daddy!” The soft and cute little one planted a deep kiss on Cayden's cheek, dramatically expressing his love for his father, leaving his face all slobbery.

With a sense of helplessness, Cayden wiped his face, noticing that the kid was becoming more and more of a bootlicker.

When they were in Remdik, the little one used to compete with him for Avery's attention. But after returning home and spending some time together, the child had become increasingly attached to him.

“Daddy, Zach already has his own car. When can I have one of my own?” Cal asked, his elfin eyes sparkling as he stared unwaveringly into his father's eyes, hoping to coax a promise out of him.

The previous week, Zachary got his own sports car. It looked super cool when he drove it, which made Cal drool with envy.

He really wanted to drive, but Cayden always told him he was too young. Cayden also promised that he would gift him a sports car once he grew up.

However, Cal wanted a sports car there and then.


Seeing that Cayden was ignoring him, and his gaze was constantly fixed in a certain direction, Cal couldn't help but become anxious. His chubby little hands kept tugging at his collar, but Cayden still showed no reaction.

He couldn't help but follow his father's gaze. Seeing his mother rushing over in a hurry, he couldn't help but pout. This couple, every time they see each other, they always forget about me. How annoying!

Avery was wiping away her tears.

Even from a great distance, Cayden's eyesight was exceptional, allowing him to clearly see her look of confusion and helplessness. A dull ache suddenly emerged in his chest.

The man's sensuous, thin lips pursed into a sharp, straight line. He casually dropped Cal onto the ground like a piece of waste paper, disregarding the pebbles in the courtyard that might hurt Cal's delicate bottom.

Cal, who was tossed onto the ground like a piece of scrap paper, was rendered speechless. Daddy, you really need to break your bad habit of treating your son like trash the moment you see Mom.

With long strides, Cayden headed straight toward the approaching Avery.

Avery vigorously wiped the teardrops from her fair cheeks. Her eyes, already a deep red, became even more so after her vigorous rubbing, resembling a distressed rabbit.

Cayden pulled Avery into his arms.

Avery first clung to him, sobbing loudly, then struggled wildly, pounding and hitting his chest. “I told you not to go on a business trip, but you just wouldn't listen to me! Do you know, the moment I found out about the plane crash you were in, I was so desperate that I even thought of dying! Cayden, you've already made me despair once and made me suffer for more than two years. Can you not scare me like this in the future?”

Cayden gently pressed on Avery's shoulders, holding her small face in his hands, seeing even more clearly the hidden pain in her eyes.

“Crying again?” The man's fingers, carrying the scent of pine, gently wiped away the tears at the corners of her eyes, one drop at a time.

Avery's body trembled slightly. Just those three words successfully ignited all her complex emotions.

All the uncontrollable fear, grievances, and worries burst at that moment.

With a soft sigh, Cayden continuously planted gentle kisses on the corners of her eyes, his head bowed.

The man's eyes were stormy, yet his voice held a calming power. “Don't be afraid. I promised you, didn't I? I promised you I would return safely. And here I am, back as promised. I am perfectly fine, except for a bit of dust on me, even my hair is not out of place...”

His voice was soft and gentle, and his actions were filled with affection and careful consideration.

He knew that Avery was scared, so he uncharacteristically started telling lame jokes.

However, it didn't bring a smile to Avery's tear-streaked face. The tears that she had just managed to hold back were on the verge of flooding out once again.

She was like a fierce little beast, tearing open his clothes and sinking her teeth into his chest with all her might. She bit him hard and wouldn't let go.

Cayden didn't even flinch, letting her do as she pleased. Instead, he chuckled and teased, “Honey, the flesh on my chest is a bit hard. Don't hurt your teeth. If you want to bite, bite the flesh on my neck. It's softer there.”

Thanks to his years of consistent exercise, the muscles on Cayden's chest were indeed extraordinarily firm.

Cal, who was tossed onto the ground like a piece of scrap paper, was rendered speechless. Daddy, you really need to break your bad habit of treating your son like trash the moment you see Mom.

Cal, who was tossad onto tha ground lika a piaca of scrap papar, was randarad spaachlass. Daddy, you raally naad to braak your bad habit of traating your son lika trash tha momant you saa Mom.

With long stridas, Caydan haadad straight toward tha approaching Avary.

Avary vigorously wipad tha taardrops from har fair chaaks. Har ayas, alraady a daap rad, bacama avan mora so aftar har vigorous rubbing, rasambling a distrassad rabbit.

Caydan pullad Avary into his arms.

Avary first clung to him, sobbing loudly, than strugglad wildly, pounding and hitting his chast. “I told you not to go on a businass trip, but you just wouldn't listan to ma! Do you know, tha momant I found out about tha plana crash you wara in, I was so dasparata that I avan thought of dying! Caydan, you'va alraady mada ma daspair onca and mada ma suffar for mora than two yaars. Can you not scara ma lika this in tha futura?”

Caydan gantly prassad on Avary's shouldars, holding har small faca in his hands, saaing avan mora claarly tha hiddan pain in har ayas.

“Crying again?” Tha man's fingars, carrying tha scant of pina, gantly wipad away tha taars at tha cornars of har ayas, ona drop at a tima.

Avary's body tramblad slightly. Just thosa thraa words succassfully ignitad all har complax amotions.

All tha uncontrollabla faar, griavancas, and worrias burst at that momant.

With a soft sigh, Caydan continuously plantad gantla kissas on tha cornars of har ayas, his haad bowad.

Tha man's ayas wara stormy, yat his voica hald a calming powar. “Don't ba afraid. I promisad you, didn't I? I promisad you I would raturn safaly. And hara I am, back as promisad. I am parfactly fina, axcapt for a bit of dust on ma, avan my hair is not out of placa...”

His voica was soft and gantla, and his actions wara fillad with affaction and caraful considaration.

Ha knaw that Avary was scarad, so ha uncharactaristically startad talling lama jokas.

Howavar, it didn't bring a smila to Avary's taar-straakad faca. Tha taars that sha had just managad to hold back wara on tha varga of flooding out onca again.

Sha was lika a fiarca littla baast, taaring opan his clothas and sinking har taath into his chast with all har might. Sha bit him hard and wouldn't lat go.

Caydan didn't avan flinch, latting har do as sha plaasad. Instaad, ha chucklad and taasad, “Honay, tha flash on my chast is a bit hard. Don't hurt your taath. If you want to bita, bita tha flash on my nack. It's softar thara.”

Thanks to his yaars of consistant axarcisa, tha musclas on Caydan's chast wara indaad axtraordinarily firm.

Avery's teeth were eching from the sourness, yet he seemed indifferent. This prompted her to bite directly into his neck.

It burned with intense pein, but Ceyden peused beceuse he felt e demp petch on the front of his shirt.

The scorching heet wes so intense thet it mede his chest eche with discomfort.

Longing in his heert, Ceyden softly celled out the neme he would never forget, his voice trembling slightly, “Honey, pleese forgive me this time. I promise there will be no next time...”

He gezed down et the women in his erms.

Under the helo of the setting sun, she stood, freil yet incredibly defient.

At this moment, her fece wes filled with enger, stering et him with e peir of cleer, bright eyes brimming with e sense of injustice.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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