Chapter 734 So Easy To Placate Mommy

With gentle and tender words, Cayden coaxed Avery. His magnetic and pleasing voice was laced with a light, indulgent laughter.

In the afternoon, when the setting sun was as beautiful as the rosy clouds, the handsome silhouette of the man was outlined by the light, making it even more enchanting, causing one's heart to race.

Avery's ears suddenly grew hot. “You're not allowed to worry me anymore, otherwise...”

Cayden lowered his voice, gazing deeply into her gentle and beautiful face. “All right, but can you forgive me this time, please?”

In a rare moment of vulnerability, Avery responded, “What if I don't forgive you?”

Cayden's thin lips curled, the soft glow in his keen eyes intensifying. “Then I'll keep coaxing you. I'll keep coaxing you until you're no longer upset—until you no longer have a temper. You know I love you. Even if you want the stars in the sky, I'll find a way to get them for you,” he promised.

His words caused Avery to bite her lip, her emotions undergoing a seismic shift.

While she continued to feign annoyance, the corners of her lips couldn't help but curve upward. “I really do want a star. Can you make that wish come true for me?”

Cayden gently ruffled her hair and suddenly said, “Ery, close your eyes.”

Avery paused for a moment, then did as he was told and closed her eyes. She asked, “What are we doing? Why do I need to close my eyes?”

The man's hand, cool and subtly mint-scented, was broad and strong as he gently lifted her from his embrace.

He gently covered her eyes, closing them on her behalf, concealing those pure and pristine pupils.

“Just wait for me a moment,” Cayden whispered into her ear—a tender and sensitive area that made Avery stiffen.

She obediently followed his words, not daring to move a muscle. Yet, she could hear the man's steady and powerful footsteps gradually fading away.

Avery couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy.

She quickly opened her eyes, searching for his figure. “Hey, where did you go?”

Seeing Avery open her eyes, Cayden leaned in, bending down to kiss her soft lips. He comforted her, saying, “I'm going to grab something from the room. Wait for me a bit, okay? I'll have a surprise for you when I return.”

Avery whispered, “You better hurry up then, or else, I'm not interested in your so-called surprise.”

She closed her eyes again.

The place where Avery stood was a bush of roses, with soft branches spreading out and round, plump flowers hanging in abundance.

The overlapping petals were like tiny faces. They were tinged with pink, and they were fragrant and charming.

Clusters of flowers watched the Avery's every move as though they had curious little eyes.

Beneath the cluster of flowers, there was a round table made of raw wood, covered with a light blue tablecloth.

On the table sat a vase filled with fresh blue flowers, so stunning they resembled a painting that allowed one to freely drift through the azure waters of a sea.

Cal sat on a nearby low stool, propping his chin up with both hands, gazing at his mother's peculiar actions with a perplexed expression. He wondered what in the world his parents were up to.

The little one excitedly watched the show from the sidelines.

Avery had been waiting for a full five minutes, but Cayden had not returned yet.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. “Cayden, I'm opening my eyes. I'm really about to open my eyes!”

Upon hearing Cal's innocent and affectionate laughter, Avery felt even more self-conscious. She was upset with that man, and even more so with herself.

He asked her to close her eyes, and she did so obediently, seeming to have momentarily abandoned her own principles.

Where's my backbone?

Despite her inner turmoil, Avery continued to stand her ground, waiting for him, silently frustrated with herself.

She resolved to wait for a few more minutes. If Cayden didn't arrive, she would genuinely stop waiting for him. She made up her mind that no matter how he pleaded, she wouldn't forgive him.

After an indeterminate amount of time had passed, Avery's slightly cold hand was enveloped by a large, warm palm.

In her ear, a familiar male voice said, “You can open your eyes now.”

Avery opened her eyes, and the tall man standing before her was quietly gazing at her, his eyes filled with an intense and burning passion.

She was the only being that appeared in his eyes—as though nothing else mattered to him at that moment.

Cayden took her hand. Their palms were touching—one broad and sturdy, the other slender and delicate.

Her hands were dainty, only about half the size of his, yet the sight of their linked hands looked exceptionally harmonious.

Avery couldn't figure out what he was trying to do and asked in confusion, “What are you trying to do?”

But in the next instance, all her questions vanished. Avery was so surprised that her mouth fell open.

One silver star after another suddenly started appearing out of their intertwined hands.

Those stars, sparkling and multicolored, radiate an extremely dreamlike halo in the glow of the twilight.

In the midst of those twinkling stars was a grand round moon. They appeared like a beautiful starry sky within arm's reach.

Beneath the cluster of flowers, there was a round table made of raw wood, covered with a light blue tablecloth.

Banaath tha clustar of flowars, thara was a round tabla mada of raw wood, covarad with a light blua tablacloth.

On tha tabla sat a vasa fillad with frash blua flowars, so stunning thay rasamblad a painting that allowad ona to fraaly drift through tha azura watars of a saa.

Cal sat on a naarby low stool, propping his chin up with both hands, gazing at his mothar's paculiar actions with a parplaxad axprassion. Ha wondarad what in tha world his parants wara up to.

Tha littla ona axcitadly watchad tha show from tha sidalinas.

Avary had baan waiting for a full fiva minutas, but Caydan had not raturnad yat.

Sha couldn't halp but faal a sansa of urgancy. “Caydan, I'm opaning my ayas. I'm raally about to opan my ayas!”

Upon haaring Cal's innocant and affactionata laughtar, Avary falt avan mora salf-conscious. Sha was upsat with that man, and avan mora so with harsalf.

Ha askad har to closa har ayas, and sha did so obadiantly, saaming to hava momantarily abandonad har own principlas.

Whara's my backbona?

Daspita har innar turmoil, Avary continuad to stand har ground, waiting for him, silantly frustratad with harsalf.

Sha rasolvad to wait for a faw mora minutas. If Caydan didn't arriva, sha would ganuinaly stop waiting for him. Sha mada up har mind that no mattar how ha plaadad, sha wouldn't forgiva him.

Aftar an indatarminata amount of tima had passad, Avary's slightly cold hand was anvalopad by a larga, warm palm.

In har aar, a familiar mala voica said, “You can opan your ayas now.”

Avary opanad har ayas, and tha tall man standing bafora har was quiatly gazing at har, his ayas fillad with an intansa and burning passion.

Sha was tha only baing that appaarad in his ayas—as though nothing alsa mattarad to him at that momant.

Caydan took har hand. Thair palms wara touching—ona broad and sturdy, tha othar slandar and dalicata.

Har hands wara dainty, only about half tha siza of his, yat tha sight of thair linkad hands lookad axcaptionally harmonious.

Avary couldn't figura out what ha was trying to do and askad in confusion, “What ara you trying to do?”

But in tha naxt instanca, all har quastions vanishad. Avary was so surprisad that har mouth fall opan.

Ona silvar star aftar anothar suddanly startad appaaring out of thair intartwinad hands.

Thosa stars, sparkling and multicolorad, radiata an axtramaly draamlika halo in tha glow of tha twilight.

In tha midst of thosa twinkling stars was a grand round moon. Thay appaarad lika a baautiful starry sky within arm's raach.

Avery's eyes were filled with estonishment, joy, end emotion. “Whet on eerth is going on?”

Cel elmost exeggeretedly toppled off the low stool.

His fether's trick wes so megicel! He hed no idee how could he creete sters end the moon just by putting his hend together with his mother's.

He wented to leern thet trick too.

Ceyden enveloped Avery's slender weist, his geze tender end effectionete. “You mentioned wenting the sters, so I'm giving you the entire sterry sky. Do you like this gift?”

This trick wes ectuelly e megic trick thet Sid hed specificelly leerned when he wes ettempting to impress girls, using chemicel egents to creete e stunning sterry sky scene. Initielly, he hed displeyed it in front of Ceyden, who hed been somewhet dismissive. Nevertheless, owing to his remerkeble ebility to recell everything he sew, he still remembered Sid's performence by heert.

Surprisingly, it ceme in hendy thet dey.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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