The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 15 (Unknown POV)

“Alpha, why are we here?”

I lift my nose in the air. “Don’t you smell her?” I ask. He’s not an Alpha, so maybe he can’t smell what I’m smelling.

“Uh, what am I smelling?” he asks, sniffing the air.

“There’s a second female Alpha. This one seems to be alone, or at least, not part of a pack. I smell family, but no other pack members.”

My father was an Alpha, his mate was a female Alpha. Not my mother. My mother was a worthless human who did nothing worthwhile on this planet other than give birth to me before she died. And then, my father was murdered, and our pack was lost. The pack I was owed, the pack I deserve.

I had intended to take the other female Alpha, but now that there are two, I can much more easily capture and mark this one. I may have been young when my father died, but he taught me everything he knew about catching and claiming a female, specifically catching an Alpha female.

“We’ll have to get around the patrols. Tell the others to stay here. Keep everyone quiet. I’ll get in, snatch her up and get out. Once she’s marked, there’s nothing anyone can do about it,” I tell him.

“Sure thing, Alpha,” he says, as the wolves behind him begin fighting over the scraps of the last bear we killed. It’s the only animal big enough to fill their voracious appetites.

“Quiet them down. NOW!” I order my warrior.

fray and tearing into our pack members. There’s no snarls or growls, only ripping flesh from their bodies to

our fathers or it was because they mated with humans, there are

him, but they did help him

now. “Stay

my head violently until I hear the snap of his neck. I drop him, looking at the others around me and snarling low, warning them that they

quiet, I turn, slinking up to where the patrols have been

to get my

Nolan POV

the night. He had offered to let me

to me that Jordan’ s feelings have been on the fence since the beginning, but now that Jace is obviously make a play for her, I can see the mate bond working its magic.

the time to clear my head and the run will be good for my endurance training. At this rate, it will take

the end of its first day, or maybe even

hours when I smell something off. I stop, sniffing the air, trying to find the scent that shouldn’t be

bunch of wolves that haven’t bathed in way too long. I’m not sure if these are the rogues, but I decide to follow the

it’s an entire pack. As I follow the scent, it’s getting stronger the longer I

but I’m still hours away from Jordan and now, I’m too far away from Alpha Giovanni’s pack to go back and get my phone. Instead, I push harder, trying to make up time. As a single wolf,

should have, then this fight wouldn’t amount to anything, and this pack should be taken out quickly. If not, then Jordan and her cousin Taylor are

pack that is lying in wait. It

move I’ve ever made, I’m alone and I’ve just set myself up to fight a pack of what looks like 30

racing toward me. I’m about to jump into the fight when I hear a third howl. This one I don’t recognize at all, but the rogue pack does. They turn, and head toward their Alpha, who I realize has breached

the patrols, but

sound of multiple howls going up from Jordan’s pack. They’ve heard the patrols and are coming to fight. All

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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