The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 16 (Jace)

After lunch, the Alphas began talking about finding the rogues. Now that it is settled that Jordan and I will go to see the bears, their next plan had to incorporate actually finding the rogues and deciding what to do with them. We’ II know more after we talk to Balor, the clan chief of the bears, but Nolan’s intel was that there were two packs.

“While we’re talking about dividing our Alphas up and sending all of you out to search for rogues, might I inquire about the Beta Trials? We’re only about a month away from the start of the trials at this point. Has anyone considered that we would be at high risk for an attack during those challenges?” Jordan asks.

“That’s a valid point, although, I’m surprised that you’re concerned about them, Alpha, being that you already have a Beta. Do you have a lot of individuals entering the Trials?” Alpha Tarik, Tobias’ brother, asks me.

“I do have several individuals who have entered the Beta Trials, but my Beta heir has also thrown his hat into the Trials. So, you I’ll be looking for a Beta just like the new Alphas,” she says, and I watch as Alpha Mason jerks his head at Elijah, who nods subtly, his l*ips pressed tightly together.

“Why would a Beta, with a guaranteed position in a pack, decide to go into the Beta Trials?” Alpha Aiden asks me. “You’d have to ask him,” Jordan says diplomatically.

Taylor, however, isn’t so diplomatic. “It’ s because you’re a female Alpha, isn’t it?”

“He didn’t… specify, in so many words…” Jordan begins, but Taylor snorts.

“Well, there’s one Beta I won’t have to worry about, he’s now eliminated from my list,” she says.

Alpha Caleb looks like he’s just about to say something, when we hear Jordan’s patrols send up the howl of alarm.

Jordan’s up and moving toward me as the patrol mind links us both.

“Jordan?” Jaxon asks.

We both turn to Taylor. “It’s your pack, Taylor. The rogues are attacking your pack.”

I tell her, following Jordan as we race out of the conference room and to the back door of the packhouse. Almost as one, me, Jordan and Taylor leap and shift, racing to her pack.

orders to increase the patrols of our pack and sending out the message to get the elderly and women with young children into the safe rooms. I’m sure Griffin is doing the same for his pack as

to let the others know we’re on our

hear the sounds of snarling and fighting. As soon as we break through the clearing that Taylor has created for her packhouse, I see and smell the rogue Alpha. He’s definitely an Alpha based on his size. He

forward slamming into the rogue Alpha, knocking him off of Nolan. She takes

desirous howl of a male who’s found the female he intends to mate. I have a moment to be thankful that this rogue’s focus is on Taylor, not Jordan,

run off, Nolan moves to go after him, but Taylor grabs onto his tail with her teeth, holding him in place. I hear the

that Nolan shifts, I know that I was right. Taylor is his

while Taylor shifts and repeats the word back to Nolan. Then I watch as Jordan shifts, staring at Nolan.


back and sees Jordan. Understanding and pain run in

“You’re Nolan?”

“Yes. And you are?”


and his brows furrow. “The cousin who…”

up to

on?” he

Nolan are

not at

toward Taylor,

be here right now,” she says,

can’t be alone with that

watch as Taylor turns in the direction of Griffin’s pack. Nolan moves

space. I understand what it feels like to have your mate dating your cousin. She needs to process this before you speak to

head snaps to me.

don’t get any more words out before

“GRIFFIN!” Jordan shouts.

have. I broke up with your sister a while ago,” I tell him. “Yeah well,” he turns, looking at Nolan, then at

at Nolan. “You don’t step foot on my pack lands until my sister agrees to seeing you there. You hear

before Griffin turns and races

you okay?” Jordan asks me, pulling my hand away from my face and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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