Chapter 29

Luz opens her eyes, a smile is drawn and for the first time in almost a week she was able to sleep peacefully. She doesn’t know if because of the milk or because of the nice words that she said to Gerard.

After that, each one finished their cup in silence and went up to their rooms, with just a look they said goodnight and wished each other a nice dream. (Only the most connected couples have managed to communicate only with their eyes and it usually takes a long time)

A few rooms away, Gerard wakes up happy, full of energy and wanting to smile all day.

-This doesn’t seem like a normal Monday – he goes into the bathroom and looks in the mirror -. Nothing is normal with her anymore!

Of course he jumps in like a teenager, singing and whistling, thinking that he has found a point in common with Luz, that he will be able to help her study.

-I’ll be your tutor – he says getting out of the shower, taking a towel and going to the room -.

Suddenly someone enters the room without knocking and he remains paralyzed, while he sees the girl of his alegrías turn around scared.

-Oh no…sorry!

He runs out, slamming the door shut and leaving Gerard with a pounding heartbeat. He looks for pants to go looking for her and remembers that she is embarrassed to see him without a shirt, so he looks for her. On his way out he runs into Darcy who looks him over from head to toe and says mockingly. – Is the new uniform for work?


He walks past her and goes to Charlize’s room, but neither of them is there. She retraces the path and knocks on Luz’s door. The girl, her voice weak from her embarrassment, tells her to come in.

-Light… – he approaches her and hugs her, the girl buries herself in his neck and begins to cry -. It’s okay, I guess Charlize wanted to play hide and seek, right?

“Yes,” she says, wiping away her tears. She told me which was the room of her mother and her cousin, I thought her room was on the same side…sorry. one

– Don’t worry, I’m not upset.

-Really? -The girl’s reddened look fills him with tenderness and she can’t help but caress her face to get the tears out of her skin-.

-I could not bother with you, ever – and that is the moment… -.

at a calm rhythm, despite the situation, in a unique and stable synchronicity, which calls them to comply with the law of magnetism. But you

Luz wipes her eyes, but the little girl doesn’t miss anything – What’s wrong with Lucecita? Why were they so close? Why weren’t you

much, Gerard walks with her to get her out of the room, while he explains.

eye, I was helping her remove it, that’s why she

I have breakfast with you again

your room, wait there for Luz and

setting her down and she runs to her room. Gerard enters Luz’s room again and this time he closes the door securely, the girl opens her eyes wide

away from Luz, which helps her calm down a

too far with you, it’s not right for you to touch or say those things, I don’t want you to think I’m a stalker or

he hugs me – he says with shame -. It seems

puede ser la persona más importante de mi vida… – Gerard se pone de pie y piensa en acercarse a Luz, pero si lo hace, esta vez nada le impedirá besarla

habitación y Luz se deja caer en la cama de espaldas, se lleva las manos a la cara y deja salir

Luz! ¿Qué estás haciendo? Te estás enamorando de tu jefe, un hombre que no es para ti… súmale que casi te mueres del susto cuando cerró

los ojos un momento y se le viene a la mente lo

me molesta que



Un suspiro, una sonrisa y a levantarse. Sale de su habitación más

Lucecita – pelea por meterse uno de los zapatos -. Necesito ayuda, creo que me creció el

estos zapatos están al revés – le dice con dulzura

de lugar, Charlize suspira con alivio y luego se va a sentar frente al espejo para que Luz la


bien, su majestad – la pequeña le dedica una risita y se deja peinar mientras le cuenta el sueño que tuvo en la

-Algo parecido, princesa.

por las noches no es apto de contar a nadie, lo oscuro de sus tormentos nocturnos es solo para ella… y Rafael, que es el único que sabe lo que le

juntas de la habitación y bajan la escalera hablando de lo que harán ese día, una de las actividades es aprender a leer. Llegan al comedor,

servicio llega con la bandeja con desayuno y le sirve a los tres, Luz se queda cerca para ayudar a la pequeña en caso de que lo necesite y Gerard

asiento, no

No me

mesa, al lado de mi hija, para ayudarla? Es más – se pone de pie

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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