Chapter 30

The days have passed normally, Luz dedicates herself completely to Charlize, she has taught her to read and the little girl is learning very quickly. The best thing for her is that she doesn’t feel the pressure of a teacher, but the constant encouragement of Light is upon her.

On the other hand, Gerard only works what he needs every day and always prays that it will finish quickly, if before his motivation was to work until he forgets, now it is to finish to go home and see his girls playing in the garden or waiting for him with some delicious dessert.

At this moment, Gerard is leaving an audience, which he went to with Dan, he sees the time on his watch and smiles happily. His friend couldn’t be happier for him, despite what happened a few weeks ago, Gerard has shown that joy that he radiated years ago. He just hopes it’s not over, because his friend has already suffered enough to put him in more pain.

-Hey, erase that smile or I’ll be envious.

-Then smile with me, let’s both be happy – they walk towards the exit of the building, greeting some colleagues -. I want to see what they will be waiting for me with today.

-They bring you well slimy – Gerard slaps him while he laughs -. The question is, are you like this for Charlize or for Luz?

Gerard looks at the sky, smiles and looks at his friend with conviction.

-Well… both of them, why should I deny it?

-And you approached the girl?

– Enough to be his friend. Even if I’m dying for something more, it wouldn’t be fair. There’s a girl out there who can show up at any moment.

What if he never shows up ?

-We’ll see , then… – Dan’s phone rings and seeing the number, he frowns -. Alpha.

“Alpha” is the pseudonym of his main informant, of absolute trust for Dan, within what can be called trust in the underworld.

-I have news about the drug and the distributor. It is a new one, ideal for rapist dogs, it numbs the victim for minutes, even hours, but does not leave them completely unconscious.

– Name – says Dan with a somber tone -.

– Henry Bowman.

Dan hangs up and motions for Gerard to follow him to the car before he says anything, as soon as he gets in, Gerard makes him talk.

-Henry Bowman, that is the man responsible for the distribution of the drug that affected the girl.

-You’re sure?

absolute confidence, you know

bank statements, properties, family… I even want to know what he eats in the morning after a hangover – and Gerard’s tone is that

that girl knows everything you’ve done, surely she won’t want to

she doesn’t want to do it, doesn’t mean that I

things, but in the end his friend is right. It is better to wait for things to clear

that makes him smile, start

and tie on

Daughter, how

I don’t have anyone to discuss

-And light?

un momento, se fue a su cuarto hace …

se va lo más rápido que puede sin correr

que entra y ve a su chica tirada en la cama, con los ojos cerrados, un paño húmedo en la frente y las manos en el estómago. -¡Luz! –

pesqué un virus o algo, pero ya me tomé algo… perdón

bien… ella está bien, me importa tu salud

necesito una sopa de pollo. En cuanto me sienta mejor

no te moverás de aquí.

se le ocurre? No puede estarle cocinando a

mujer de mi cor…

levanta para acomodarla en la cama. Toma una cobija del closet y la cubre, sale cerrando con cuidado la puerta y se va a la

está Lucecita? – le dice en cuanto lo

vamos a mimar mucho – la niña asiente, apaga la televisión y se pone de pie – Iré a prepararle una sopa


con rumbo a la cocina.

¿dónde aprendiste a

queda perdido un momento y luego le responde

me enseñó, en

favor. Mi abuela y mi tía nunca querían decirme nada

Gerard a su hija y la abraza -. Tu madre fue la mujer más buena y linda del mundo, ella tenía un amor inmenso por todos. Hasta el último minuto peleó para que tú nacieras – es inevitable para él que

ella cocinaba

quedaba salado o sin

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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