Chapter 4 8

After a delicious breakfast, the three happily go out to discover what surprises Magic Kingdom will have . But nothing prepared them for what they found there.

The attractions kept them busy all day, since it was not high season, they should not have made too many queues to enjoy each one.

But right now, little Charlize sleeps sprawled in the backseat, with her head on Luz’s lap and her feet on her father’s lap. Luz’s eyes are already closing, but she knows that the journey is short, so she puts up with it a bit so as not to have to give Gerard double duty.

-Did you like the day we spent today?

-Yes, I had a lot of fun. Thank you for inviting me-she gives him a sincere smile, one of those that disarms Gerard to the seams of his clothes-. “Haven’t you changed your mind about what I asked you this morning?”

Luz’s body tenses just remembering that request… rather, the way he made that request.

Luz never slept accompanied, last night was a new experience and one that she undoubtedly wants to repeat. But certain things that scare her, like, what if Gerard wants something else? What if she wants something else herself?

Her image is already quite distorted with that pregnancy, her mind is still overwhelmed by what happened… but her body reacts very differently to being close to that man and it’s something she can’t deny.

And most likely, something I can’t even handle.

down at his hands, then

night bath, I doubt that we can wake her

activity. When we went to the country house, she fell asleep as soon as I took her in my arms and didn’t wake up until ten in the

is one of those days that will

have any? – Gerard asks her and she immediately

grandmother’s house in Mexico . The whole family got together and we had a great time. Nobody was more than another there, we all helped clean, cook… we


her -. But if I lower my head,

understand you… sorry for asking something so sensitive for you – he takes her hand and

of the journey interrupts them, Gerard quickly gets out to take

blanket, because the night is cool, and they go

that she takes advantage of to get into the shower. She makes a high bun to wet her hair, the same one

man to turn around so that

that’s the pajamas that Luz has chosen for that night, without pillows, without any barriers other

in the reading that Gerard prefers to go out on the balcony for a

so fantastic, I would like to keep

every day of your life – Luz is lost in the intensity of Gerard’s gaze for a few seconds and he takes advantage of

para tenerla más cerca, la piel que le queda descubierta por el pijama se siente cálida y deliciosamente suave. Ese beso se hace más intenso y un gemido de la chica cuando succiona su labio inferior, lo hace dar los pasos que los separa

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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