Chapter 4 9

 That night, despite not ending in the best way, the two slept in each other’s arms without letting go for a single moment. That confession of both, one of love and the other of fear, tells Gerard that he can wake up his girl with a kiss.

She smiles a little, then opens her eyes, to meet the man’s dark gaze.

-Good morning, my beautiful little light.

-Don’t do that or I’m going to get used to not sleeping alone – she tells him, stretching her body -.

-That’s precisely what I want – and gives him another kiss – Luz stays still for a moment and, when Gerard moves away, she gets out of bed.

-I better get up, our princess is going to wake up soon.

Gerard’s heart lights up when she says “our princess” with that obvious love, she always refused to open her heart, to look for someone to keep her company, because she was afraid they didn’t love her Charlize, but Luz loved her from the first minute, something that no one can question.

Luz goes into the bathroom, the princess

you want to have breakfast here? -Yes, I feel like I’ll melt anywhere. When Luz comes out dressed, with a towel on

the towel off


know? – I know, but I want to do it – he gives Luz another kiss, but a little cry of joy separates them

Luz blushes, because now she won’t have a way to deny

-. I would love for Luz

you haven’t given her flowers – the girl tells him with a gesture of her hands that points out the obvious of the matter -.

– she tells

-Very much.

boy and I liked him,

le dice a Gerard que la próxima vez que pregunte, la respuesta será

de comprobar que las entradas en Disney World están listas. Cuando sus mujeres salen del baño, él se mete a la ducha, pensando que al día siguiente le pedirá

fue todo un acontecimiento que debió documentar. Se sacó fotografías con todas las que pudo, Luz le sacó la fotografía a Bella que Matías le pidió

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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