Chapter 7 9

Rafael lowers the glass of the window enough so that the guard of the booth recognizes him and allows him entry, he looks at Luz who is sleeping in the seat next to him, it has been a restless dream, but at least she is sleeping.

Arriving at the entrance of the colonial-style house, one of his mother’s maids and the butler approach the car, he gets out as soon as he stops the car to close the distance between them.

-Scott, good night – extends his hand to the man who keeps the same face as always, as if he had a stick in the … -. Sorry to arrive at this hour and without warning, but it was an emergency. I need two rooms.

-I can prepare one for you at the moment – he says in the same haughty tone –

-As always, following the heir’s orders – Rafael tells him with annoyance -. But with one for now it works for me.

-Do you need help with the luggage ? -I’m not bringing luggage, I just need you to hurry up with that room, I’m bringing company and she’s asleep.

-In that case, perhaps it would be advisable to notify your mother.

take care of her bad temper for waking her up

 Rafael returns to the car to wait, while he sends several messages to his second, asking her

with her hand that she’s ready, but she

Luz in his arms, while the girl helps him hold the door and then adjusts the

you – he

reason to. Come on, I fixed

by what is happening. Although she

room, the girl comes forward to open the covers and then removes the blanket that covers Luz, the girl stares at that little woman, she looks so fragile and the need to take care

you need anything, don’t hesitate to let me know. My name is

you, Chloe. The lady is going to need clothes for tomorrow, she doesn’t wear extravagant clothes, you know, the normal of a normal teenager


and Rafael

a while ago. Gone are

wouldn’t be, if she never approved

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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