Capítulo 80

La luz de la mañana se cuela tenue a la habitación, Luz se sienta en aquella cama que no reconoce de nada. Un fuerte dolor de cabeza la hace arrugar la nariz, pero la imagen al lado de la cama la hace llevarse las manos a la boca.

Rafael está tirado en el suelo, boca abajo y a medio tapar, ronca bajito por la mala posición y ella no puede evitar sentir se triste por lo que le ha provocado a su amigo.

Se baja con cuidado y se arrodilla a su lado, lo mueve un poco para despertarlo y no puede evitar sonreír al verlo mover la cabeza. La alfombra está pegada en su mejilla, pero el chico sonríe mientras s e sienta.

-¿Cómo dormiste?

-Solo sé que dormí – le dice ella, rodeando su vientre con sus brazos -.

Más tarde, si quieres, iremos de paseo a algún lugar – ella asiente -(This novel will be daily updtaed at Necesito que me cuentes lo que pasó anoche, de otra manera no te puedo ayudar.

Luz se limpia esas lágrimas que se le escapan, ella sabe que sí, así debe ser, pero solo recordar a Gerard con aquella máscara entre sus manos, reconociendo que fue él aquel hombre de esa horrible noche.

Now, I’ll go get you clothes, last night I asked them to get you something.

-What time do we arrive? -After midnight, we had good traffic – she stands up and helps Luz to do it herself –

-Where we are?

-This is the family home of the Williams, we are in my mother’s house.

-And yours.

least not until

moment, but then remembers that if Gerard were there she’d

girl… I promise I won’t leave you

bed, crying my misfortune… but you’re not going to

her laughing -. I didn’t

you marry

Evangeline… -his cell phone rings and he sees

a gesture to Luz that she will answer and goes out to

-Eve, yo…

Rafael’s back from one moment to another because of those words, he was surely annoyed -. I love you too and I only beg

to death, I thought you were going to fly.

Luz who moves you. But now they matter, tell her that I will take care of Charlize personally and that

I’ll call you

– I love you.

the phone and Rafael’s face is that of a stupid boy, (This novel will be daily updtaed at love and who has been given the best gift of all. Upon entering, he sees Luz sitting

girl… I

see, Luz Méndez – he kneels in front of her and forces her to look at him -. Now, he wants you to think of you and only you. Not your parents, not him, not even Charlize. Just

something super important, he is at his mother’s house and that woman

and wanting to spank him at that precise moment for being such an inconsiderate son. I


can ask me that at least twice a week over the phone.

thought you could


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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