122 Preparations


I was glad about how Ighor's questioning had gone. Honestly, I did not have the patience to ask and wait for him to feel generous enough to answer. Left for me, I would have finished him off at the warehouse, but since he needed to correspond with Yuri so they would not suspect their meeting had been compromised, I had no choice but to let him live in the meantime, but Sean and Joan were definitely going to be hanged.

I did not care if the Claymans were nobles; the fact that Joan could jeopardise lives to hide her shame was sick, and she did not deserve to live. She was lucky I had abolished the law that punishes an entire family and clan for the crime of its member. If not, the whole Clayman household would have been hung.

I decided to not only hang Joan but demote the Claymans from their noble status so they wouldn't have room to work against me again. They would only be useful to my enemies if they were in the system.

When we were ambushed in the woods, I was worried that we had been compromised and that Yuri knew we had caught Ighor, but when Melvin told me they were after Erik, it put my mind at ease.

I was also amazed at the wealth of resources and gadgets they had. The devices were courtesy of Erik, but it was still in their possession regardless, and they were willing to use them. I knew I would need Erik to tell us everything he had created that could be used against us. Especially things that were stolen from him. It was essential.

We waited in the lounge for Levi and Wilson to bring the files they got from Larry’s house. Leo's good news about his beta and the eastern Alphas had put our minds at ease.

I knew Leo wasn't in his full capacity and his mind was divided, but I could see the relief now that Maxwell had helped solve the problem in the East.

I prayed Kyle would be safe in the West. I could understand why the three of them remained close despite having nothing in common. They might have been shitty husbands and douchebags to their mates, driven by the mate bond, but they were loyal friends, and their devotion was true.

Maxwell risked his life over something that did not concern him, and so is Kyle; neither hopes to regain their packs, yet they are still helping their friend and others preserve theirs.

It was a pity they fucked up their marriages; I hoped fate would give them a second chance because I knew they would not fuck it up.

I thought of all Erik had said about the Stepanovs. However, I was still uncomfortable about using his people. He

from telling Yuri our plans and attacking us? It

help us achieve. However, the effect wasn't permanent; it evened the playing field, which was all we needed. We needed their abilities so they would not use them against us. I was sure we would fare

command effectively in the woods, is there a reason for it?" David asked Erik a crucial question. I realised that question had been dancing in my mind, but too many things were

was almost nonexistent. It was there, and I could use it a bit, but I needed a lot of effort, and there was a

he had unbelievable speed and strength during the battle.

looked confused and shook his

feel different," he replied, confused. Since he did not try to


the Stepanovs in our midst, Dominic was the only one

Deltas were also like Alphas, so Dominic's genes were inferior to

him with an evil

did not find it funny. We all laughed, watching Dominic battle the command with all his might. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and I could see the fear in his eyes. Although Dominic was standing

relax," Leo said, letting it go. We had gotten the

affect Leo,' Erik

are the first to use his medication. I was too afraid to ask. Afraid to learn that I was a guinea pig used for a drug experiment. Fearful of knowing

indicated he was

cannot coexist. The alpha genes would eradicate the silver immune fighting antibodies introduced into your system. That is why the rash is present after a few hours. In your case, your alpha genes would win the battle and regain their full functions, that is why the drug is temporary, but in a Stepanov, it is permanent because as the antibodies form in a fetus, it stops the alpha genes from forming. Leo's case is different because he has mutated Alpha genes, and those alpha genes can coexist with the silver-fighting antibodies. I hope this is clear. It is not permanent, and you have nothing to worry about," Erik told Vino, and Vino tried to relax a

I want to know the list of weird devices you created that have found

thing we have to compete against," I said, remembering the feral

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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