121 The Assistant


"I can't believe we kicked ass like that," Dominic said, feeling happy about what we had achieved in the woods.

"I have never felt so strong in my life. Is this what the AgK32 does?"

Dominic asked Erik, who was laughing. I could see the pleasure in Erik's eyes. He looked like someone that had made a breakthrough in research. It also made me realise we were his guinea pigs. I did not want to bring it up there until he was alone.

"Leo, did you see yourself? You were like Amelia. You were a blur," Vino said, and I frowned and looked at Devin, who nodded.

"The way you tore that wolf's belly was epic. One second you are under him, the next you are away from him, and his guts are on the ground," Theodore said, and I was surprised at myself.

"The AgK32 worked well; with your genes," Erik said, smiling, and I looked at him.

"I know we are the first people to use your stuff," I linked him, and his smile faded. I caught him.

"Do not worry, I won't tell the king but do not try this kind of bullshit on us again. What if it hadn't worked?" I linked him, and he shook his head.

"It would have worked. I had tested it before but not in a battle," he linked me back, and I dropped the matter so I do not end the joy of the moment.

"See who I found," Andrew said, and we all looked in his direction. It was a weird-looking guy. I did not need help to know he was a Stepanov.

"Melvin?" Erik asked him, and the guy looked away.

"Do you know him?’ Sylvester asked Erik: of course he did.

"My former assistant," Erik said, walked to where Melvin was held and punched him in the face.

"What is the meaning of this?" Erik asked, annoyed. It seemed the man had snapped. This could happen to anyone after facing a near-death experience.

"What are you doing here?" Erik asked him, and the man cowered on his knees; it was clear he did not have the courage for a confrontation.

"We tracked your cell phone," he said, and I looked at Erik. We had all come with our cellphones.

Who put you up to

we should bring Erik," he said, and I took comfort that

come to the Estate?" Dominic asked him, and he shook his

until the hearing. That was when we started to track his phone. When I picked his signal, we took a helicopter to the woods where the signal was, " He

helicopter?" I asked him, and he shook

out the Kappas in your helicopter and lay in ambush." He said, and I wondered how they could travel with feral wolves and jump off their helicopter. It seemed

"The hounds?" Erik asked.

but the collar turns them that way. We improved on the mechanism." He said,

people feral isn't an improvement," he said, and I agreed it wasn't an

steal my inventions and use them

we are in the woods?" I asked him because he must know we had Ighor. If he did, the information we got from Ighor would no

thought Erik came to run some experiments here. We did not know he was with the King and Lords. We just wanted to grab Erik." Melvin said, and I

our reasons for being in the

sent here to retrieve Erik,

to kill us while you are at it," Sylvester added coldly, and the man shook his head in tears. I could see his

understandable since people close to Sylvester saw him as a monster and feared him. It was a good

us take him back with

tell me all you know of Yuri's plans and where we can find him," Sylvester said, and we all laughed, knowing the torture that would

Dominic secured the prisoner, and we carried him back to the helicopter. Our clothes were on the floor, so we sorted them

Melvin in the helicopter, and Theodore and Marcel became our pilots. Two more innocent kappas had lost their lives to

very angry and had all the right

the kappas came to the landing spot to take Melvin from us. Sylvester ordered that

bath and eating something, but it seemed time was not

are you?" I linked Amelia while we moved towards the lounge. I wanted to let her know I was back and also to find out how she

before she responded. She was sleeping,

to know we're home safely. Go back to sleep, Moonlight. I will

on was mentally and physically draining. Still, we just had a few more hurdles to jump, and we

the lounge, and everyone took their seats. It was clear none of us

for the performance today. It shows we are ready to take those bastards down," Sylvester

the AgK32 so we can administer it to our warriors. But based on all that has happened now, I do not

am saying, Erik, that I will no longer need the Stepanov army. I would rather fight with people I can trust than people who can turn on me anytime. As things are, your circle is highly compromised. Ighor and Melvin have shown how vulnerable you are and how much ground Yuri has gained against you in your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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