135 Preparations


Lucas arrived the morning of the following day. I had wanted to ask him to move in permanently, but his wife wouldn't have it, and I knew being in the mansion would make him remember my father and Theo's father. The ghost of what happened in Pridewood Inn still haunted him. novelxo Even though Larry had orchestrated everything, it still hurt that he was the one that committed the atrocity.

I received him at the entrance, and instead of pleasantries, he asked for my mother. He must have heard of what happened to Jake.

’She is in her room, uncle, but we have pending issues," I said, and he nodded.

I ushered him to my office and handed my responsibilities over to him. It was easy because he was already handling things before I returned from the East.

There was no way I could train for battle and handle royal matters at the same time. One had to give way for the other. He was the best person to substitute for me while we dealt with the issue.

I brought him up to speed on the events, novelxo and he was surprised at all that had happened within the short period we had arrived.

He was eager to check on Jake. I knew they had somehow become friends hence why he wasn't so receptive to Erik flirting with my mother. I hope Erik succeeds and Jake pulls through for all our sake, or it will significantly affect us.

Vino had informed me of the outcome of his session with Ighor, and we seemed to be on course.

Two days passed, and everything was going fast. The day of the battle was fast approaching, and we still had much to do. Uncle Lucas was doing a good job, but I couldn't focus because of Jake's predicament. Keeping my mother away from Erik's lab was becoming more complex. I knew it was wrong to sedate her, but Tamia and I had run out of lies to delay her. At the same time, we had a lot of things to do. I felt terrible about the situation, but I held on.

Claudia and her friends worked tirelessly with Erik. novelxo Nelson and the assistants were also working around the clock. Although the AgK32 was helping us sustain Jake, his body was building resistance to it quickly. It might not work after a while as things were going because a normal wolf can only handle so much. The fact that Jake developed a rash every time also worsened the situation. Giving up on him would be wise, but we had to wait until the last minute.

Katya had moved into my mother's room temporarily so she could be there when she needed her.

On my way to Erik's lab, I decided to see Gezel. She had requested an audience with me after she arrived, but I had been unable to see her because of all that had been happening. I decided to see her briefly before heading to Erik's lab.

"Amelia, where is your mother? Ask her to join me in my lounge," I linked Amelia.

"She is helping us make the poison darts, your majesty. I will ask her to join you," Amelia responded, and even though it was through the mind link, I could sense her fatigue.

Leo's mate needed to rest, but the woman was too damn stubborn to listen. Avery and Katya rested, but Amelia wanted everything over quickly, so she refused to rest.

"Darling, are you with Amelia and Gezel?" I linked Tamia.

"Yes. Gezel has been of great help to us. n.ove.lx.o Susan fell ill this morning, so Gezel is filling in for her. Amelia refused to rest, though, and she is stubborn about it," Tamia complained.

but I doubted he would succeed. The best thing is to let her tire herself and


took her ten minutes, and she was panting when she

had gloves on and took them off when she entered.

looked nervous, and I ordered her to sit on a couch across from me. Looking at her now, I could see the resemblance with Amelia.

few times to figure it out, but

said you wanted to see me?" n.ove.lx.o I

your majesty,’

her the go-ahead to

in her seat and cleared her throat a few

will like to request the opportunity to join the fight against Yuri. I know Mikhail is dead,

I let you come, Tamia and the others would see a reason to follow," I said, and she shook

your majesty. I have not known peace for eighteen years now. I have dreamed of avenging my mate. That is what has kept me going. I want to kill those bastards and make them feel the pain I have lived with for years," She explained, tears streaming down her

and got a regular job. Yuri couldn't leave him alone. All Yuri had to do was forget about us, but he didn't. He wanted me to bear him children, and he wanted to be the head of the family. It had nothing to do with revenge

to kill Mikhail. I would have done it. Luis spared Mikhail's life and told the bastard to go. novëlx.o Luis told him to tell Yuri he was dead and promised to go

not know me, your majesty, and I doubt she ever would. She is distant, and she has a good reason to

has to pay for it. I want to kill as many of those Stapanov bastards as possible. I want them to feel my pain, your majesty. novëlx.o Please let me," she said and went

desperation in her eyes. I could also see something else, something she tried to mask, but I knew the look too well not to notice it. She was tired and determined to end her life on the battlefield. I understood her plight. Having lived in the shadows for years, being unable to reach out to her child had damaged her. Seeing her daughter and realising she can never be a mother to her

forwards to speak to

have been in her life when she was young. I am sure Amelia will want you in

be a mother, so

to swear on your wolf that you will do everything it takes to survive the battle," novëlxo I said, and

wiped away her tears and contemplated

your majesty, that I will try to

you believe it is too late is bravery. I implore you to be brave," I said, and she got

I asked,

off the chair, ready

am sure you will have a way of getting through to her.

majesty," she said, and

walked briskly, eager to find out what was going on. Erik had been awfully quiet all morning, so I was keen to learn the situation. I did not link any of them to inform them I was coming so they would not devise excuses to prevent me. I wanted to know the actual situation

and found armed kappas there.

The kappas saluted when they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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