136 Six Days To Go


Training after I had left Erik's lab was easy. I felt a weight off my shoulder. Although Jake wasn't in the clear, I was hopeful. I did not want anything to happen to him because I knew he and my mother had something special.

Now that we knew he was responding to treatment, I felt allowing my mother to see him would be okay. But I needed to speak with her about it to manage her emotions before I let her see him. I did not want to lose her should anything go wrong.

"Leo, when will you be heading east?" I asked him while we were rounding up training.

He put aside the silver-coated dumbells and moved towards me. He looked tired, and I knew all that was happening was overwhelming. I did not even want to look at Devin. He had been hit the most. I just hoped we would get everything back to normal by the time all this was over.

"I will be leaving with everyone tomorrow," He said, and I frowned.

'Everyone?' I asked, and he nodded.

"Amelia, Alexei, Clay, Kyle, Devin, Susan and Gezel." He explained, and I wanted to plead with him to leave Amelia and Gezel behind, but it wasn’t in my place. I could understand that he would want to spend every moment leading up to the main day with his mate. I could not rob him of that. We had six days to go, and we had to make the most of those precious moments.

"I see. Gezel requested to be part of the battle, and I granted her request," I said, and he was silent a bit. I believe he was processing my words.

’With all due respect, you shouldn't have. Amelia is just meeting her for the first time. We do not know how the battle will go. Who will be her family if we fall? I believe in what we are doing, but we can't be too careful. Her brothers are fighting with us, along with her cousins and uncle. Letting her mother come with us was wrong,' He said, and I was taken aback by his response. He also had a point.

Unfortunately, I wasn't thinking in that regard and had already given my word. I couldn't take it back.

"Gezel did not seem like she wanted to hang around. Amelia had been distant. I suspected she wanted to die in battle, but I made her promise she would survive," I said, and even though it sounded stupid, that was the best explanation I could give.

Leo deserved an explanation. He had been loyal and supportive. Shoving my decision down his throat would be wrong and insensitive of me.

'That promise isn't hers to make, especially knowing the calibre of people we would be fighting. The Stepanovs have trained and built their numbers for the purpose of war. Look at how equipped Erik is. The things we are using were originally created for them," Leo sighed.

'I am not trying to be disrespectful, and I know you would have pushed back, but I am unhappy you said yes. Telling this to Amelia would be hard.

She might seem detached from her mother, but I know she will try. It seems otherwise because she is focused on ending the issue with Yuri," he explained.

'I am sorry, Leo. I meant no harm," I apologised, and he nodded, telling me it was okay.

"I guess I am off to tell her," He said and smiled.

in her first trimester should be resting. She is putting her and the baby in danger by refusing to rest,"

We had

still with you?"

on the couch," Tamia said, and I relaxed. I

should take her to your room unless

he would not like that outcome. He shook his head immediately and moved away from me. He walked

Marcel asked me,

carry his mate to his bedroom," I said, and

asked me on a serious note, and I

isn't in the clear yet, but at least they were able

and I frowned at him, wondering where he


her friends for security purposes," He explained. I looked

Andrew. Those two seem to be becoming

"True," I confirmed.

for AgK32. She isn't only preventing

She is also a very tough woman. Not once did she crack under pressure,' I commended,

in the hospital. I wouldn't have believed it if I did not see how she handled

out after. We must attend to some last-minute things before Leo leaves for his region tomorrow." I said, and

I could see that he

to return to organise his army. His warriors and the alphas of his region are our true allies, their loyalty has been tried and tested, and they have passed with flying colours. We need what he is bringing to the table, and he cannot leave Max to do

going to the West too?” He asked, and I

know the traitors and the loyalists. Mind you, more than half of the western Alphas are Stepanovs in Yuri's cult. Sean helped them

have acquired all that property and used it as meeting grounds. Gad has been an issue since the time of Larry. Erik will remain with us, while Alexei and Clay will return to the East with Leo. Alexei is yet to officially hand Hill

to speak

mad at me for my decision, but it was necessary. As much as I cared about Jake, she was my mother, and I could not lose her. I was selfish enough to ensure she remained should anything

knocked on the door. Katya asked me to come in, and I was glad she was kind enough to remain

shone bright, and the curtains were drawn apart to illuminate the room. My mother was

your majesty,’ Katya greeted me, and

she put the bowl of oats

lost some weight. She

I asked and went to sit beside her. I took her hand in mine and massaged the back of her hand gently. I felt her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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