The bodyguards watched helplessly as Aaron’s minivan drove away, and they started to panic.

“What should we do now? How are we going to tell Mister Jeremy that we’ve lost Miss Corinne?”

“Sh*t! He’s definitely going to punish us for that!”

“We’re done for…”

“That’s enough!” shouted the lead bodyguard through gritted teeth. “Instead of sh*tting your pants over here, you all should be tailing Mister Aaron. He definitely has something to do with Miss Corinne’s escape. It can’t be a coincidence for them to be here. We might be able to find Miss Corinne if we follow them!”

“Yes, Sir!”

other side of the park, where there were no surveillance cameras along the street devoid of people, was

over to the car, got into it, and took off her wig. She had changed into the clothes

look good in your disguise,”

from the journey, so she was in no mood to joke around with him. “Cut the

park. Not long after that, he turned the car into

are you taking me? I thought we were going

escaped, he’ll arrange for his men to keep a close eye on you

she was not really convinced Jeremy would go through all that effort

are you

exactly what we’re for a couple of days, and when

she nodded after a while. “Thanks, Jason. But is this really

average-looking buildings. No matter how she looked at them, they did not look

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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