Chapter 80 Prepare For Bankruptcy

Gwendolyn looked at the shattered screen with pity and shook her head.

+25 Bonus

“Long time no see. Your temper hasn’t changed at all. Unfortunately, you haven’t gotten any more capable despite your terrible temper.”

Once she was done speaking, she gently let go of her grip. More cracks were added to the already cracked screen on Frida’s phone.

“Why are you here again?”

Frida stepped out of the living room. Although the memory of Gwendolyn’s debt collection was still fresh in her mind, her dignified life as a wealthy lady would never allow her to show any signs of


“You’re a jinx! You still bring trouble to my son even after getting divorced. My poor son is really unlucky!”

“Yes, your son is unlucky and will be even more so in the future.” Gwendolyn’s smile faded as she asked coldly, “So tell me, where did Maverick go?”

“How would I know? Stop bothering my son! You keep saying you want to leave him, yet you relentlessly pursue him. Are you playing hard to get? You’re so despicable.”

Frida rolled her eyes without any intention to hide it.

Gwendolyn could not help but laugh.

Just as she was about to retort, Sheralyn came downstairs and glared at her.

“How dare you ask where my brother is? He already has Natasha! Why are you so shameless, you sl*t?”

Sheralyn remembered how she was humiliated by Gwendolyn twice in the past like it was yesterday.

Not daring to walk over, she instead stood at the stairs gritting her teeth and glaring at Gwendolyn. How she wished she could tear Gwendolyn apart as she continued to snipe at the latter.

“If you weren’t taken in by Treyton as a sugar baby, would you have anything to show off? You’re like a vixen, cheap and lowly. You can’t even be compared with Natasha! I’m telling you, Natasha will soon be part of the Wright family by marriage. Stop humiliating yourself here and get lost!”

Gwendolyn leaned against the wall and quietly listened while Sheralyn finished speaking.

on the phone you’ve

news yet, so they were utterly confused by

her ear. Lifting her head to reveal her swan-like neck, she took a sweeping glance at

to inform you all about. You’ve been living too comfortably these days, and it’s making


14:06 Mon, May

Prepare For

“W-What do you mean?”

aback by the icy aura emanating from

+25 Bonus

terribly, she subconsciously

lips curved into a

prepare for bankruptcy, Wright

spoke, her face was calm and composed, as

car, stepped on the gas pedal all the way, and left the Wright residence

continued to curse her

despicable b*tch is absolutely out of control!” Sheralyn


her destroy our

without hesitation. “No way! Treyton may be impressive, but the Wright family is no pushover either. Even if

actually had the audacity to show up at the Wright residence and provoke

attitude is so utterly

no way I’ll take this lying down. I have to

Gwendolyn sped down the highway, she

start with Wright Construction Group. However, it was a prestigious and well-known company in Fairlake, so it would

mission her father

thought about these things, she soon arrived

her at the front door. Upon getting closer, she noticed

in. “What’s going on? Treyton, I have things to deal with, so just

waiting for you inside. Can you

expression for a moment

14:06 Mon, May 15

Prepare For

+25 Bonus

elegant figure of a man stood in the hall. Upon hearing Gwendolyn’s footsteps,

Ferguson?” Gwendolyn asked with a puzzled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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