Chapter 81 Dead Or Alive

+25 Bonus

“Why bring up the past?” Gwendolyn asked indifferently as she raised her glass and took another sip of liquor.

Sherman realized he had asked something he shouldn’t have. With a laugh, he quickly tried to find a way to ease the awkwardness and said. “You’re right. We should let bygones be bygones. Anyway, I heard Old Mr. Harris recently assigned you a new task How is it going? Do you think you can accomplish it?”

“Of course. I’m determined to succeed.”

Whenever the topic of her career was brought up. Gwendolyn’s eyes sparkled with excitement. She continued brightly. “I recently launched a new girl groups talent show, and I have great confidence in it. I believe it will definitely bring more exposure and popularity to Angle.”

“That’s great, but there’s actually something else I’d like to ask you…” Sherman looked straight into her eyes, and there was a hint of hesitation under his intoxicated facade.

“You…” He paused, and after debating with himself, he decided to keep his thoughts hidden. “I’m rather interested in collaborating with Angle. What do you think?”

“It’s fine by me. Who in their right mind would turn away a potential business partner?” Gwendolyn replied.

Angle was at the stage where it needed to bring in significant resources and talent, and she could reap a lot of rewards from Sherman’s collaboration offer.

With that in mind, she gave him a sly smile and clinked glasses with him. “It’s a deal, then.”

“Consider it done. Sherman laughed and clinked his glass a little too forcefully against hers.

It was already late night by the time the trio wrapped up their little gathering and returned to their individual rooms to rest.

Gwendolyn was not drunk; in fact, she was more sober than usual.

If she wanted to take down Wright Construction Group, she had to amass enough power and resources within a short period of time.

She pulled out a chair and sat down at the table, ready to devise a preliminary plan to bankrupt Wright. Construction Group.

These days, Wright Construction Group was mainly involved in real estate. To defeat it, she had to first establish a foothold in that industry.

However, she wasn’t familiar with real estate. After much thought, she realized that consulting Sherman on the matter was the most reliable option.

She quickly typed out a message on WhatsApp and sent it to him: Are you asleep? I have something to ask you.

swift: No. Go ahead and ask.

Sherman was standing by the


corridor, enjoying the

her with those gentle and


+25 Bonus

I need your help with this. It’s really important to me, so please.” Gwendolyn closed the

of real estate. Let me do some more research tomorrow, and I’ll put together a binder for you


for this and contentedly returned to

much easier to carry out now


into a deep and

the mountain range where Fairlake bordered the neighboring city, a certain someone was awake

the car, chain-smoking one cigarette after another as he

had been searching for her here for

there was still no

to believe that Gwendolyn would die here, of all places, and vowed that he would find her and bring

back?” his subordinate asked groggily with a

icily. “We’re not

another mustered the courage to point out, “It’s been a few days since Ms. Shalders parachuted out of

of you asks

but his

fell into an uneasy silence and scooted to one

even as those around him gradually fell asleep. His dark eyes were fixed on

Wright residence were

“This is infuriating!”

There was a crash.



Dead Or

furiously thrown the crystal teacup on

+25 Bonus

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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