Chapter 102 The Reason You Like Me

“What’s the solution?”

+5 Bonus

Samantha gently held her hand to soothe her, then took the phone from her hand to quietly place it aside.

Take advantage of the fact that Wright Construction Group hasn’t completely fallen into crisis yet. You should sell your shares at a high price!”

“No way!” Frida’s eyes widened. “I absolutely cannot sell my shares! I need it for my retirement. Besides, if I sell my shares, I’ll lose my say in Wright Construction Group! I will definitely not sell it!”

Samantha sighed and continued to reassure her, “Aunt Frida, you’re confused. If Wright Construction. Group really can’t survive this crisis, your shares will be worthless. And don’t worry; selling the shares is only temporary!”

Frida was feeling a bit hesitant.


Samantha saw that she had piqued Frida’s interest and continued, “I’ll try my best to find a reliable buyer overseas. Once we get this funding and complete all our ongoing projects, we’ll be able to earn the money back and buy back the shares. Aunt Frida, just think of it as temporarily leaving the shares in the buyer’s hands. Once this crisis is over and Maverick returns, he’ll definitely be happy to see that you’ve managed the company so well.”

Frida didn’t speak as she was lost in thought for a long time.

Samantha wanted to seize the opportunity to persuade Frida. “Aunt Frida…”

However, the latter raised her hand to stop Samantha. “Samantha, this is no small matter. Please allow me to think about it some more.”

Samantha was a bit displeased, but it wasn’t appropriate for her to say anything else. If she pushed Frida too hard, her motive would easily be noticed.

“All right, Aunt Frida, but don’t take too long to think about it. We can’t afford to delay this matter.”

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Frida sat alone in her office, feeling the immense pressure from being in her position for the first time.

This decision could be said to have cost her half her life.

No matter whether it was the company or the shares, she didn’t want to give them up.

Yet, she felt that Samantha made a valid point. The only option left for her to save the company was to sell her shares. However, if she chose to keep her shares, the shares would become meaningless once the company went under.

With reddened eyes, she sat quietly for half an hour before calling Samantha. “Go ahead and sell it.”

Frida, don’t worry.

Samantha found a


Reason You Like

+5 Bonus

agreed-upon location to sign the contract. The buyer’s name was Toidi, and both she and her company were based overseas.


the way, Frida dawdled

to find such a reliable buyer.

a good thing and such a foolish person?

just wants to move back to her homeland, so she buys the shares to pave the way. Don’t worry. There won’t be


the contract,

the twenty percent of shares I own? Why did you include Sheralyn’s ten percent shares and the

patted her back

house. wouldn’t be


this price is way

contract, her heart aching. “Only eight billion eight hundred million for all three? Previously, just

Aunt Frida! With her wealth and influence, she

Construction Group is in, this is already

hesitate anymore!

“All right, then.”

and cajoling Frida until she finally got the latter to sign the share transfer agreement,

funding issue is resolved, you need to be more attentive during this period. Make sure to properly fix any existing problems and closely follow up on other projects. Don’t let the workers cut corners and cause any more quality issues.

Aunt Frida. Don’t worry.

arm like a kid, her face beaming with


and got into the car,


sitting in her office

message had only one

a sigh

three days, the Wright family would experience

was filled

was a knock on

usual gentle and refined demeanor, he was wearing a grim expression

him anything, he walked straight to the guest chair opposite her and sat down, separated from her by an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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