Chapter 103 Take Over Wright Construction Group

+5 Bonus

After a brief silence, Gwendolyn smiled and said, “Everyone eventually has to pay the price for their action, and Maverick is no exception.”

Upon hearing that, Sherman finally breathed a sigh of relief.


She will seek revenge on Maverick for past grievances, but she didn’t mention taking vengeance on me because of Eloise. In the end, she still cares about me, doesn’t she? Now, she’s just mad at me because of Eloise, so I still have a chance!

Having figured it out, Sherman stood up happily. “Gwendolyn, don’t worry. I’ll change, and I’m willing to wait. As long as you turn around, I’ll always be here.”

After he finished speaking, he left..

Gwendolyn pressed her palm against her forehead, her face filled with exasperation.

It seems he still hasn’t fully understood what I meant. Forget it; I’ll explain it when there’s a chance in the future.

In the following days, Samantha constantly claimed that she was visiting various construction sites and barely spent any time at the office. She did not go to the office to report on her work progress.

If Frida called her and asked her, she would say she was busy.

Frida was displeased by her attitude.

If it weren’t for the fact that Frida needed people to help her, she would have exploded long ago.

Just as she was thinking, the phone rang. It was a call from Sheralyn.

“Hello, my girl, what’s wrong?”

On the other end of the phone, Sheralyn sounded extremely dissatisfied, and she was full of complaints.

“Why has my allowance decreased so much recently? It’s so embarrassing that when I went shopping with the two socialites from the Xenos family, my card showed insufficient balance. How am I supposed to survive in my social circle now?”

Frida felt a bit guilty.

She had given all her money to Samantha to invest in various projects, so she had no choice but to secretly reduce Sheralyn’s pocket money.

“Mom! You used to say that daughters should be raised in wealth. How can you treat me like this now?”

Frida had no choice but to comfort Sheralyn with the things Samantha had previously said to her.

recently, and I’m left with no choice. Once everything gets better, I’ll double your allowance and

set of limited edition skincare

right. We’ll buy

103 Take Over Wright

hanging up the phone, Frida thought of

+5 Bonus

hadn’t returned to the company to report her progress for a few days, nor had she made

ease, Frida decided to give Samantha a

list, the door was suddenly pushed open forcefully by her


glared at her angrily. “Don’t you know that you should knock before

anxiously said. “Mrs. Wright, we have a problem! The construction team from Linderson Constructions is causing trouble at our doorstep, and


shock. “How dare they be so arrogant!

hundred people is gathered downstairs. They said the agreed-upon payment for the project hadn’t been transferred to their account yet, and the person in charge was even fired by Ms. Lane for poor supervision! Now they’re leaderless, wielding construction tools as weapons and demanding an explanation

is my

her mind, and Frida’s face turned pale with

Samantha would do this to her. After all, Samantha was

verify her assumption, she nervously dialed Samantha’s phone

The call went through.

the sound grew

as if it came from

the door wasn’t fully closed, she was about to open it completely when a pair of slender

was exquisite, and she wore a strikingly colorful cocktail dress. Behind her followed a

and even deliberately dressed up, Frida thought

sensed that the mood was off and

the office, Frida was shocked that her eyes were

was amused by her


Over Wright Construction

you miss me so much after just a few days

+5 Bonus

of hope. “Samantha, why haven’t you sent the additional payment to the construction team of Linderson Constructions? What have you been doing

you just guess

guest chair opposite Frida. “That’s right; I didn’t


eight hundred million on the company. I’ve asked the finance department to quietly transfer it all to my

“You! How dare you!”

more than half of the company’s staff take her side! Could it be that she has

her heart ached, and she painfully slid into the chair. “How could Louis condone your

Do you think just because you married into the Wright family, you can act all high and mighty when you come back to your parent’s home? Do you think he doesn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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