Chapter 189 Cook A Meal For You

Upon seeing Charles enter with his men, Shirley immediately slumped into the chair.

She had heard from acquaintances at the police station that Charles was planning to leave Fairlake, so why hadn’t he left yet?

With him around, that day was going to be tough for her.

The Lane family’s bodyguards quickly lost their confidence when faced with the police officers brandishing stun batons.

Samantha sat on the ground, feeling utterly defeated.

However, as Charles entered, his gaze remained fixed on Gwendolyn.

Maintaining an upright and composed posture, he walked over to sit beside Gwendolyn.

The latter unconsciously furrowed her brows but quickly concealed any underlying emotions. She then redirected her attention to Shirley and Samantha across from her.

“Samantha, I don’t feel like wasting any more time on this. The police station will handle the crimes you and the Lane family committed. You will repay every penny of the money you owe me with interest. If the funds are insufficient, you’ll have to sell properties or mortgage Lane Group.”

Shirley and Samantha felt resigned, but under Charles’ pressure, they remained silent and played dumb.

Gwendolyn gently smoothed her skirt and looked at Charles beside her, her eyes filled with tenderness.

“Charles, I’m feeling slightly tired, so I’ll leave the rest to you. By the way, Samantha has a penchant for tearing paper. How about letting her tear all the papers in the hallway into shreds before taking them back to the police station? What do you think?”

Charles raised his gaze, his deep and gentle blue eyes meeting hers.

“All right, I’ll do as you say, but…”

He paused for a moment and gently took hold of Gwendolyn’s hand before continuing, “I’ve done you such a big favor, yet you stood me up last night. It’s time to make up to me, don’t you think?”

Gwendolyn smiled, her eyes filled with warmth and her voice velvety. “Of course, to make it up to you, why don’t you come to Bay Villa tonight after you finish work? I’ll personally cook you a meal. How does that sound?”

Charles was pleasantly surprised.

On second thought, he remembered that annoying person in her villa. “But there’s someone in your villa who I’d rather not see.”

“That’s not a big deal.”

Gwendolyn shrugged indifferently. “He’s just my servant. We’ll have a few drinks together in the evening, and I’ll have him stand by to pour your drinks. How about that?”

filled with indulgence.

and wait

palm and turned to look at Justin. “Stay here

“Yes, Ms. Shalders.”

shifted her gaze away, turned around, and left Bay Villa,

she got into the

the wet wipes in her bag and cleaned her

Lane family matter resolved and still having some time on her hands, she made a trip to Angle to check on the recent progress of Joaquin’s

stayed busy until the afternoon, then returned to Bay Villa two hours

Maverick squatting on the ground,

the special drug in his body already wearing off, he found

felt somewhat curious. “You’re back so early today. It’s only mid-afternoon. I suppose

and stood

washed his hands, and walked over to help her fetch the slippers from the shoe cabinet and neatly place

her coat

these tasks, he resumed cleaning the

heading upstairs, Gwendolyn sat on the sofa and silently

a few minutes, she finally spoke. “Put aside what

“All right.”

before walking over to her respectfully. He then knelt on one


his chin, she closely

sickly pallor it previously had, and his

handsome, they now held a

state when under the influence of the special drug. Now you

drug and continue tormenting you for a few more days until I grow tired of it before giving you

breath hitched, and his dark

Is she for real?

injection of 023 special drug was excruciatingly painful, compounded by the fact that his back

torment could be

happiness is built upon my suffering, as long as it’s your command and as long


higher, forcing him

gaze onto her starry

earnest, Gwendolyn couldn’t help but laugh. She released her grip on

lowered his gaze,

subordinates seem formidable, especially Nico. If they were to fight with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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