Chapter 190 Let Him Go

The confrontation lasted for several minutes.

Caught in the middle, Gwendolyn glanced from one man to the other.

As the 023 special drug had lost its effect on Maverick, he now looked more imposing than Charles. His eyes gleamed with a chilling and merciless intensity.

Gwendolyn did not know what to say.

They were already eyeing each other with so much hostility in the beginning that she was not sure how the night would end.

She cleared her throat loudly, drawing their attention to her.

Gwendolyn then gestured for Charles to look in the direction of the dining room. “Charles, I’ve prepared all this food, and I’ve been waiting for you. I’ve also prepared two bottles of red wine. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a drink together. Let’s all drink and be merry tonight.”


Charles shifted his focus from Maverick to Gwendolyn. He looked at her affectionately as they walked into the dining room together.

“Gwen, your culinary skills are amazing. These dishes smell so good. I wasn’t that hungry earlier, but now my appetite has been whetted.”

“I’m happy as long as you like them.”

Maverick stood in the stairwell, observing their interaction keenly.

Even though Gwendolyn had already told him about her plan that night, he was still caught off-guard when he saw her smiling happily at Charles and speaking to him in such a gentle manner.

He felt a pang of heartache.

When would Gwendolyn treat him the way she was treating Charles?

Both of them were chatting and laughing in the dining room, oblivious to the awkward expression on Maverick’s face.

At the dining table, Gwendolyn pursed her lips and smiled. She took the bottle of red wine that had been decanted and was about to pour some for Charles.

Charles extended his hand, making a gesture to stop her. “Gwen, you have a servant here. You don’t have to do this yourself.”

Gwendolyn’s expression momentarily froze, but she quickly regained her composure.

red wine and looked in the direction of the

“Maverick, come here.”

satisfied look. He was sitting in an upright position as if he had cultivated this habit over the years. His eyes were fixed on Maverick, waiting for the latter to go over

There was a hint of surprise in his voice when he said, “Gwen, there’s some

in her chair,

hands in a gentle and

face, another pair of

through gritted teeth, “Mr. Newton, mind your manners. Keep

and sneered, “I shall do

enunciated the last few words clearly and was about to shake off Maverick’s hands

grip and stared at Charles. The former’s eyes bore a malevolent and piercing intensity, radiating a palpable sense

tried to break free, but his efforts

his employer? He’s so

“My employer is Gwendolyn.

two men locked eyes. Their hands


she held her

there would always be an intense battle between men whenever Maverick was

again, giving Maverick a

“That’s enough. Let go.”

this, Maverick released

stood between Gwendolyn and Charles. His glare was fixed on Charles, capturing his every

out a tissue and wiped his sleeves. He then spoke with a hint of annoyance. “Gwen, it seems like we won’t be able to enjoy our

understood what Charles meant and looked sternly at Maverick. “Mr. Newton is my guest. You’ve offended him the moment you got here. Are you trying

outside of the villa and called out,

walked into the living room and stood at

without even glancing in his direction. “Bring him to the basement to do some soul-searching.

looked at each

He spoke up with a hurt voice.

to look at him with a

since I was little. I used to hold a grudge against him, but now I’ve come to terms with it. Let bygones be bygones. After all, he still has a special place in my heart. I gave you a chance

harsh words cut through him like a sharp

hurt that it took

knowing her plan, hearing her speak those hurtful words still caused

knew that Gwendolyn no longer had feelings for

tell Maverick the truth in a

mistakes in the past, but aren’t you even a little moved by what I’ve done for

Gwendolyn kept quiet.

was slowly tearing up. His gaze revealed a sense

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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