Chapter 213 Most Popular Man In Salinsburgh

While Madelyn was slightly startled by the news, she knew Gwendolyn was determined, so she didn’t try to persuade the latter. “It’s not a bad idea to go somewhere else. Maybe it’ll help lift your mood. How long are you planning to stay there? Will you return?”

Gwendolyn contemplated momentarily and replied, “Not sure, but I’ll probably come back.” Once I’ve ferreted out all those in the Harris family who want to harm me, I’ll likely return and live in Fairlake. After all, I’ll be able to stay a little closer to Maverick that way.They chatted a little longer until it was time for the wedding ceremony to begin.

Sheralyn slowly stepped onto the red carpet in the church with a high-end white wedding gown and the most beautiful makeup.

Ajax, standing next to the priest, gazed at her. They met each other’s eyes with a look of great affection.

In the presence of a priest, the couple completed the most important ceremony of their lives.

Frida was so touched that she sobbed. Even Gwendolyn couldn’t help but tear up a little. Back then, when I married Maverick, there was no wedding. No one witnessed our union. After we registered our marriage, Old Mr. Wright forced him to take a wedding photo with me. I wonder if I’ll ever have the chance to wear a wedding gown again.

The day after the wedding, Gwendolyn picked a few beautiful white roses and visited Maverick’s grave to say goodbye.

As always, she cleaned his grave first, removing the fallen leaves and dust.

Her finger traced over the picture on the tombstone as she etched his face into her mind.

“I’m leaving now, Mavy. There’s no telling when I’ll visit you next. I’m almost done with the matters in Fairlake. Since the people who harmed me have learned I’m here, I’m afraid they’ll continue to trouble me as long as I breathe. If that’s the case, I’d rather return to Salinsburgh and deal with them once and for all.” A violent look flashed past her eyes.

Then, she softly laid her head on Maverick’s tombstone. “I really miss you. I feel like tearing up every time I visit you. However, because you said you hope I’ll live a happy and carefree life as the princess of the Harris family, I’ve held them back every time. I’ve been dreaming less and less about you recently. I don’t know why, but don’t worry. You’ll always be the only one in my heart. “

Then she fell asleep again.

of time passed, she woke up when Treyton arrived to pick her up. “It’s

help. As he

an explosive headline was

confirmed to be alive, but she also publicly announced her return to the family. Additionally, she claimed she was kidnapped back

a proper gown and makeup. Upon greeting the viewers with a smile, she summarized

be heard inside the Wright residence, the Wright mansion, and

Gwendolyn is actually from the Harris family! Thank goodness I listened to her! Otherwise, the Harris family

Ajax coughed and reminded,

was the daughter of the Harris family, I wouldn’t have

in the room, but she

the balcony and staring at the scenery, distraught. The tears on

depicted her hugging

she read Maverick’s letter. It told her he wasn’t related to the Wright family by blood and also Gwendolyn’s true identity. Furthermore, he advised her to maintain a good relationship with

Declan when he was a child. Then, when Maverick was ten years old, he was sent to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be trained. Once he was fifteen years old,

was a fake and had genuinely

he still fulfilled his filial responsibilities to her, which she was

she was still devastated

wonder I kept losing to that woman and couldn’t investigate her identity! It turns out she’s the Harris family’s

relieved upon learning the news. Thank goodness we struck up a friendly relationship with Gwendolyn and that Inez didn’t burn bridges with her over Kieran’s matter. Otherwise, we’d end up in the same situation as the Wright family in

days later, Gwendolyn was on a

booked the entire first-class cabin, no longer hiding

in her hand elegantly, she stared out the window,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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