Chapter 214 Curious About The Man

Upon ending her train of thought, Gwendolyn unknowingly emptied a whole bottle of red wine.

When Elven saw she was about to open another, he stopped her. “The doctor said you can only drink a little wine after you hurt your stomach last time by drinking too much, Ms. Harris.”“It’s only two bottles. Besides, I don’t get drunk that easily,” she replied.

Sighing, he reminded, “Did you forget you can’t hold your liquor as well as you could ever since that incident, Ms. Harris?”

After being stopped twice, Gwendolyn felt frustrated. Abruptly, she shoved the wine bottle and glass away. “Fine, I won’t drink anymore! Take these away!”

Folding her arms grumpily, she closed her eyes to nap.

Elven placated her with a smile and shot a meaningful glance at his colleagues. Soon, Gwendolyn’s table was cleared.

By the time they arrived in Salinsburgh, it was already night.

Just as Gwendolyn wondered if she should return to the Harris residence, she received a call from Jasmine.

Jasmine was overjoyed to learn the announcement of Gwendolyn’s background and arrival in Salinsburgh. “You’re finally back, Gwendolyn! How about we spend some time in The Honey Bee together? Many of your old friends are eager to meet you! Did you miss them?”

It has been years since I met my childhood friends, and I don’t want to return to the Harris residence anyway, so why not? “Sure,” answered Gwendolyn.

She only brought Elven with her.

As for Ezra and William, she requested them to book a hotel room as that was where they would be staying for the night. Meanwhile, Quinton was sent off to tell Marcus of their arrival.

By the time Gwendolyn reached the bar, the others had already arrived.

More than a dozen people were gathered there, including Jasmine, Sherman, Triss Jenson, David Jenson’s daughter, and her old friends.

they were hiding behind the

smile in response to seeing that. “Thank

You have no idea how sad

great time with her friends as they

to their younger age, she considered them

your family’s eldest grandson took control of the family. Is he giving you

Back then, only Uncle Yael competed ruthlessly with

a smile of

Apparently, he vomited blood every day. It scared Grandpa to death. However, he’s pretty amazing. I didn’t expect him to snatch control of the family

though I’ve just arrived at Salinsburgh, I’ve heard two people praising this Cedrick already. I

deep in thought, Jasmine

her side, she saw Sherman sitting beside her with a wineglass, looking as elegant and dashing as

while since we last met, but you’re still as pretty as ever,

his. “When did your family find you

expression stiffened for

was because she was treating him far more

matter. That d*mn Maverick! I still can’t believe he played a dirty trick on me! After he tossed me to the cargo ship, I was brought to a small, illiterate, and desolate country. It took my family ages to locate me!

train of thought ended there, his expression returned to normal. “It’s been months since I’ve returned. Initially, I planned to

tightened her grip around

nerve?” Staring at her apologetically, Sherman tried to hold her hand to comfort

silently stood, avoiding his touch, and poured

peered at her affectionately. “Since that burden is no longer weighing you down, once you have

Gwendolyn to furrow her eyebrows. Is he calling Maverick a

for you to bring up this topic

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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