The God of War Chapter 295

Deep in the castle, Hardys’ expression changed again and again, and he almost crushed his phone.

The killers had to withdraw from the Daclustein Kingdom and Hardys had to tell Jorge the employer…

Each would have a disastrous impact. Once the killers withdrew, Hardys had to abandon the entire underground market of the Daclustein Kingdom completely. And if he told Jorge who the employer was, he would violate the rules of the killer world. Then no one would employ assassins from the Bloodshed.

However, Hardys didn’t dare to disobey Jorge! Jorge was the legendary invincible Lord of War God. If Jorge ordered to destroy the Bloodshed, it would be easy to come true! Therefore, Hardys had to think it over.

Hardys took a deep breath and finally said slowly, “I can tell you the identity of the employer. It’s Teresa Morgan. She is Jeffery’s wife. Jeffery is the patriarch of the Easton family of Ocean City.”

“In addition, Mylee the Disguiser was ordered to go to the Daclustein Kingdom to carry out a bounty mission. Since you are not injured, please spare her life. I will be grate…” fast update

Hardys failed to finish his words! Before he could say the last word “grateful”, Jorge hung up the phone and reached out his right index finger.

The light in her eyes instantly disappeared and she died! Mylee

slowly closed his eyes. After a few seconds, Hardys slowly opened his eyes. He felt

Lord of War God, not to mention the mere Bloodshed, even if all the killer

came back to her senses and walked to Jorge’s side with fear. Her voice trembled faintly, “Have you found

voice, “Jorge, it is a big deal. If we can’t find the mastermind, countless assassins will

“I know.”

then he smiled. “Albert, it has been a long night. Take Davon to

Albert to reply, Jorge held Roselyn’s

red Porsche set off

The night was dark.

Easton Village was

Now, only Jeffery’s wife, Teresa, and their son Andy Easton, who were less than

clear cry broke the silence of the

the cradle cried loudly and looked up at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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