The God of War Chapter 296

Jorge was in charge of the shooting of the advertisement for the New-Easton Group. The staff of the Publicity Department immediately set off for City Y to select the shooting site.

The next morning, Lilyana arrived as promised.

“Jorge, Roselyn!”

At Ocean City International Airport.

Lilyana and Dale got off the plane and saw Jorge and Roselyn who came to pick them up. Lilyana’s face was full of joy, “You’re both here? Have you chosen the location for shooting?”

Jorge smiled and nodded. Then, they didn’t say much and each took a red Porsche and business cars, heading straight to City Y.

Sunshine Beach outside City Y was picturesque.

This place was about two hundred kilometers away from Ocean City, and it was one of the most famous filming venues nearby.

and there were also exquisite man-made attractions that were

“What’s going on here?”

the shooting site of Sunshine

Department of the New-Easton Group, looked at the well-packaged filming equipment and was suddenly irritated. “Didn’t I tell you to set the venue in advance? Mr. Green and Ms. Easton have accompanied Miss Robbins to shoot. Why fast updatedidn’t you even set up

Oliver was really angry!

work arrangements, he personally negotiated with the management officers of Sunshine Beach in City Y and led the filming team to carry out the early

the shooting site was wrong. What exactly were these employees doing?

and pointed at some young men in T-shirts on Sunshine Beach. The staff members were so angry that they gritted their teeth. “Those boys

with them, but they … they directly blasted


first, and then his eyes were full

to City Y’s Seaside Hotel. Oliver had dealt with the hotel manager and the management officers of Sunshine Beach. He paid the site rent for seven days and all the procedures were completed. Without the crew’s permission, no outsiders were allowed to

not locals. Oliver suppressed his anger and quickly walked to those young men in T-shirts, trying to be polite. “Let

red-haired young man with a walkie-talkie in his hand


sigh of relief and said politely, “I hope

“What fucking favor?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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