The God of War Chapter 297

“What do you want to do?”

Given that something was wrong, Oliver was frightened, but he did not dare to delay the filming job that Jorge asked him to do. Oliver braced himself and argued, “You guys occupied our venue but still complained. If you hindered the filming…”


“Fuck you!”

Louie looked fierce. He pointed at the filming equipment behind Oliver and sneered. “Don’t you want to film? Screw you! Go! Smash that and throw it all into the sea!”

Then Louie’s seven lackeys rushed forward and beat up the staff of the New-Easton Group.

And they smashed all the filming equipment, sets, and props.

The expensive equipment was all thrown into the sea by these young men and turned into junk. “You … You guys are going too far!”

at the damaged fast updateequipment and then the staff with bruises on their faces. Oliver

and looked at Oliver. Louie tittered. “Just you? Jerk! Come on! Teach him a lesson. Tie him up with a rock and get him sunk

young man put on a sinister smile and pulled out a dagger from his back, ready to stab it into

Just at that moment…

of sand flew over from afar and hit upon the red-haired young man’s head. He lost his balance

“Damn it!”

was stunned at first and then looked in the direction where the sand came from. Then he cursed, “How dare

meters ahead, three people slowly walked over. Ignoring the man in the middle, the red-haired man fixed his eyes

smooth and fair skin, and her figure was fabulous, even

she looked familiar as if she was

right, she was even more stunning. She looked gentle, noble, and elegant. And she

such as them were invited to shoot an advertisement, the appearance for every minute would not be less than 100000 dollars. “Are you the

greedy and his gaze constantly roamed over Roselyn and Lilyana, and his lust was exposed. “Don’t work for the New-Easton Group. I’ll take photos of you.

let’s go to the hotel. I’ll book a presidential suite for you.

and Lilyana’s expressions changed


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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