The God of War Chapter 313

Fair Skin sold well and was quite popular among consumers!

After the successful press briefing for the new products, the Fair Skin series was continuously released onto the market in Ocean City, The Cloud City, and City Y at the same time. In less than a month, the three Aesthetic Medicine industrial parks of the New-Easton Group had all been completed and were officially on stream.

“Hey, everyone, line up. I’m the first!”

“Wait a minute. As a VIP member, I should be given priority!”

“Wow, it’s you, Helen? Are you also here for beauty treatments? You look much younger for your age and your skin is in good condition…”

In the city center of City Y, numerous customers were waiting in a long queue at the entrance of an experienced museum of the New-Easton Group, greatly excited.

All of a sudden, something came up.

“Get out of my way!”

A rough, dark-skinned man, followed by seven or eight burly men, four of them carrying a stretcher and shoving the crowd aside. Then they shouted inside, “Where is the person in charge here? Get the hell out!”

Everyone was so surprised.

More than thirty customers in line all looked over at the burly man!

look at me! Look at

wife on the stretcher, and shouted, “After using Fair Skin of the New-Easton Group, my wife has gotten a ruined face covered

now in terrible condition. The more she scratches, the more it itches. The more it itches, the more she scratches. She’s felt too terrible

Don’t use such

It shocked everyone present.

your ruined face is the result of using Fair Skin? But why are we

only used it for a short

the stretcher, Anna, whose face was covered in pimples, pretended to wail, “Since Fair Skin was

to us women. Believe me and don’t be fooled by the New-Easton Group anymore! Their skincare products are high in hormones and your faces will end up in the same condition as mine if

Everyone was so scared!

women. Upon looking at Anna’s disgusting face covered in pimples, they retreated in fear. Some even rushed into the museum and shouted, “Get my money back!

excessive hormones causes a customer’s ruined face, and you’re just

flashing in their eyes. Then, the


men all

employees responsible for introducing products were beaten

in the restroom, trembling as she held her phone with a

Hurry up and inform Mr.

headquarters of the New-Easton Group

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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