The God of War Chapter 314

At the experience museum of the New-Easton Group in City Y.

It was crowded with a lot of people!

Outside, more and more onlookers gathered around and it had caused the serious traffic congestion. The nearby intersections had been temporarily closed, and the vehicles could only take a detour.

The museum was in a terrible situation!

The decoration had just been completed less than half a month ago. At that moment, it was beyond recognition after being smashed by the dark-skinned man and his burly people. All the goods and beauty equipment worth millions had been destroyed.

Three security guards and several young female employees squatted on the ground, full of grievances, including the middle-aged female manager who had been dragged out of the restroom. Austin ordered his people to give each of them at least ten slaps!

“Have you called the New-Easton Group? Why hasn’t the person responsible for it shown up yet?”

“Their general manager is Roselyn! Roselyn owes us an explanation!”

“I’ve spent a few thousand buying Fair Skin for my girlfriend. I claim a full refund.”

Among the crowd outside, several hooligans who were obviously arranged by Austin kept shouting to try to stir up consumers’ hatred. As expected, the consumers were extremely emotional and almost out of control.

Right at this point, someone showed up.

Skin? Show me the

over and the crowd in front of him couldn’t help but stand aside to let him pass. He spoke with firmness and force. “If you don’t take the shopping list with you, then show me your consumption record since everyone pays by phone. Then I’ll

It was Jorge!

of the museum. He glanced at several hooligans in the crowd and said in a deep voice, “Whose face is ruined? Bring the person here. If it is true, the New-Easton

no one dared to

Everyone fell silent.

dark-skinned man or his subordinates, as well as those ignorant consumers and the hooligans among them, were all shocked by

King was exhibiting

of the Lord of War God, even a War King didn’t dare to meet

“Everybody… Don’t be afraid!”

then said aggressively, “After using Fair Skin, my wife has gotten a ruined

of Fair Skin from his pocket and shouted to the surrounding consumers, “Everybody, look at this! This is the flagship product of

and then was disfigured! They owe us an explanation! We should return the goods, claim the refund and compensation

Group out of the aesthetic medicine market in

of her eyes and burst into crying. “Everybody, what my husband said is true! The Fair fast updateSkin in his hands is a poison and has ruined

finish speaking, Roselyn couldn’t

the dark-skinned man’s hand, unscrewed the cap, and checked


widened their eyes in

wondered if Roselyn was insane as the general manager of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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