Chapter 130 Is It Really Like This?

The sudden relief of Titus and Harold’s pain stunned everyone present.

Upon hearing Harold’s words, Jodie and Freya instinctively looked at Master Shane simultaneously.

Is it really like this? If so, doesn’t this mean our efforts have been in vain? Even Master Shane himself was surprised.

He could tell that the spell cast on these two had truly been resolved.

The painful expressions on their faces had disappeared, and their speech was no longer as labored as before. Instead, it sounded more energetic.

Based on the current situation, he was certain that Simone was responsible.

But I thought the spell was cast simultaneously on all four of them. Shouldn’t it be resolved together? Why is it only the spell cast on Titus and Harold that has been resolved? If it were me, I could only -resolve it together.

Could it be that we unintentionally made a mistake just now? Well, that doesn’t seem to be the case! At this moment, Master Shane became even more wary of Simone.

He quickly defended himself by saying, “It’s impossible. This is originally a method of resolution, so it shouldn’t have any effect. The person who cast the spell intentionally must have only resolved the ones on Titus and Harold, leaving out the ones on Jodie and Freya.”

Regardless of whether it’s my fault or not, blaming Simone is the best option right now.

Since Titus was no longer in pain, and Steven had already suspected that something was wrong with his adopted daughter, he didn’t care much.

He pondered for a moment and sighed. “What should we do then?”

After hearing everyone’s opinions, Andrew felt that Simone had gone too far. She actually let Jo continue to suffer on purpose!

“Let’s resolve the spell then. Even if Titus is no longer in pain, he can still help by offering his. blood.” Then, he looked at Titus and continued, “Titus, you wouldn’t want to see Jo in pain all the time.right?”

At this moment, Titus wanted to confront Andrew. “As I see it, you have lost your mind and can’t even think straight. My curse has been automatically resolved, so my blood is naturally useless.”

He shifted the blame. “Regarding this, we can only ask Master Shane and Master Gordon to help us find a solution.”

I chose to endure and refused to resolve the spell while I was in pain, but now that I’m no longer in pain, only a lunatic would offer their blood, and I’m not one

a lesson. With his current level of idiocy, he’s not

they still need your blood

wanted to take advantage

as wise as a monkey. Not only did he

“Then, I’m out of

idea. He turned to Harold and asked, “Didn’t you say you had something to discuss with

hadn’t reminded me. The time I agreed with him is almost here, so let’s hurry over

“Sure. He will

he said to Steven, “Dad. Harold and I have

his senses, Steven smiled and waved his hand.

and Freya watched as the

D*mn it! Titus actually

If it wasn’t for him instigating on the side, Titus wouldn’t have

that Titus would just abandon Jo

he has gone

thoughts, but

back what they wanted to

already left. It’s too late for us to say anything

they silently cursed together, Leaving the two ladies

Jodie’s face intensified, and she couldn’t help

Covering her face, she cried

up and hugged Jodie. “Jo, how are you feeling?” Jodie leaned against

comforted her, “Don’t cry. We’ll find a

he saw the two of them

let go of her. What are you two doing?” Their actions are like that of a couple. It

then did Jodie remember that Steven was there. She quickly broke free from Andrew’s embrace. As she hugged herself, she squatted on the ground and cried, appearing

bear it and said to Steven, “Dad, Jo is in so

Steven glanced at him.

left, so

that they

choked up and silently cursed the

said to Master Gordon, “Master Gordon, please help us and lend my sister that

only did things not go as they had imagined, but they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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