Chapter 131 You Have No Idea?

Jodie expressed her desire to borrow a mystical tool from Melinda, so the two masters decided to leave promptly. Steven instructed his secretary to escort them out. Harold had already left, and Freya didn’t want to stay either. She wasn’t acquainted with Jodie and knew that Jodie couldn’t assist her in borrowing the mystical tool, so she left to find a solution on her own.

After everyone departed, Steven sat there silently. Jodie was in so much pain that she couldn’t bear it, so she made a phone call to Melinda in front of them.

Due to Steven’s presence, she refrained from saying anything negative about Simone in front of Melinda. However, she did mention the need for the mystical tool and requested Melinda to lend her one, a precious antique that could ward off bad luck.

Melinda readily agreed.

Observing Jodie and Melinda conversing so familiarly on the phone, Steven couldn’t help but furrow his brows slightly. He hadn’t forgotten that his biological daughter, Simone, and Leon were once a couple. According to online rumors, Simone and Leon broke up due to his ambiguous relationship with Jodie.

Steven had business dealings with Adam and would often meet up to play basketball or have a meal together. Their relationship was quite good. He had a favorable impression of Leon, so he had assumed that Simone’s relationship with him was fine.

Little did he know that not only did they break up, but it also became widely known

As a result, his impression of Leon plummeted. Now, seeing Jodie and Melinda, it seemed more like a mother–in–law and daughter–in–law relationship. This disgusted him. Not only did Jodie lead his son astray, but she also snatched Simone’s boyfriend, crossing a line for him.

If it weren’t for his plan to investigate the relationship between Jodie and Master Shane, he would want his wife to send her away now. Anyway, she was already an adult and could survive on her own outside of the Gray Family.

Witnessing his two wayward sons, Steven was furious. “I’ll be going on a business trip abroad. in a few days, and you two will accompany me.

Luca and Andrew were both taken aback. “Why should we go? company and had no interest in business.

They didn’t work in the

Steven responded coldly, “If I tell you to go, then go. Don’t bother asking why.” Then, he ushered them out, saying, “I still have some business to attend to. You can go back first.” He planned to keep his two sons away from Jodie for a while.



could only reluctantly say,

but didn’t dare

was displeased, and she also felt uncomfortable. She could only obediently smile and say, “Dad, since

and uttered, “Go ahead, if you need anything, you

like this, Jodie couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

the others left, Steven called in his secretary and instructed him to investigate Jodie

off the surveillance video.

He seems amiable to Jodie, but then he orders an investigation.” The speed of this change was

tricks up his sleeve, he wouldn’t have been able to become the chairman of the Gray Group. He has also

be suspected by him. Gwen curiously asked,

“There must be a

between the three of them was not simple. Today’s performance seemed like a collaboration

investigate their relationship? Gwen asked.

Gray has already sent someone to investigate. If we investigate again, we might alert them. They will take action if they want to deal with

would be very dangerous. She would use her means to investigate Jodie

hearing this, Gwen gave up, saying, “Okay” She began downloading the transferred documents.

caller ID, she felt perplexed. “Melinda called me. It must

131 Yoave No

to get the mystical

realized this and found Melinda unreasonable. She put the call on speakerphone, saying, “What brings you to call me out of

purpose of her call, she had no choice but to accept it. She spoke

is not a normal day as

to get straight to the point. “I have

to the point. There’s no need to pretend to be a

so angry that she stumbled back. “You!” She took a deep breath and softened her tone as much as

not, just hang up. I’m busy and don’t have

would have ended the phone call. Gwen was heartless and cold, unlike a caring daughter, so she didn’t beat around the bush anymore. “I

Gwen deliberately dragged her tone. “But I won’t lend

changed. “Gwen, you’re going too far. Since what I said to you didn’t work, do I need your father to come

have a good talk with Grandma and him. And

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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