Chapter 180 Karma Will Always Track You Down

Simone glanced at the live chat on the tablet’s screen. Jodie’s fans and the internet trolls watching the live stream probably believed she could not do anything about them. As a result, the clamor grew louder and wilder.

She addressed the camera. “Do you think the backlash is fake, all you Jodie fans and trolls in the live chat?” The live chat quickly filled up with disbelief, after which she chuckled. “Alright, then. I’ll let you experience firsthand what it means to face a backlash.” She took out a piece of yellow paper from her bag along with a talisman pen and cinnabar.

On the table, she swiftly drew a talisman. This was something she habitually carried with her


The people watching the live stream were puzzled when they saw her drawing up a talisman. They could not comprehend what she was trying to do. At that point, Jodie’s fans and the trolls could not help but mock her, thinking she was deliberately trying to create more drama.

‘Are you trying to draw a talisman to make us suffer a backlash?”

‘Those people online say you’re a geomancy master, but you don’t seriously think you’re that capable, do you? Just drawing a piece of paper can’t make us suffer a backlash.‘

‘Is Simone here to be funny?‘

I’ve been cursing all along. I don’t believe in any backlash. Attack me if you can!”

‘Exactly. Your words carry no weight to us.

‘Let me tell you, I’ve seen worse. Your tricks mean nothing to me.

These people did not believe in the backlash. Not only were they unafraid, but they also thought Simone was provoking them, so they continued to insult her. Her supporters and other fanbases came out to stop them, but the trolls insulted them, too.

After she finished drawing the talisman, she chanted a few spells and rubbed the corner of the talisman with her fingertips. Everyone saw that the talisman in her hand suddenly ignited inexplicably. Then, wisps of green smoke emerged and floated in all directions, disappearing only after drifting far away. After a moment, the green smoke dissipated, and the talisman turned into ashes, disappearing from the camera as well.

malice, experience what it feels like to face a backlash. She paused and added, “You guys are miserable in real life, so you seek validation and vent your frustrations online.

won’t have any blessings and live a happy and smooth life. The more

a difficult life? Why is there such a saying as “accumulating good karma,” which is related to cause and effect? A knife

Those brainless fans and internet

it’s just not


trolls are indeed despicable. I have a relative who


words. If they were willing to listen, they

and internet trolls. who enjoyed cyberbullying others. They had seen or heard about many suffering from online

a lawless place, acting particularly arrogant. Someone was bound to clean up

from the viewers had angered

I’ll just cyberbully. I don’t believe in karma. I’ll wait and


don’t believe it either. I’m waiting, right

enjoy cyberbullying when I’m not happy. So

If I don’t suffer


later. Let’s see if I’ll be affected. Remember

people are exceptionally arrogant.

indifferently. “It will take effect in fifteen minutes, so just wait and see.”

impact of exposing their identities would be minimal, considering how large the country was. Even if they were doxxed, some could not care less about their so–called reputation.

disdain, further

they encountered a backlash, faster

looked at Luca, who was standing awkwardly before her. “So, have you seen it all? A foolish and blind pawn; that’s you. Now, the person you trusted has stabbed you in the back. How does that feel?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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