Chapter 181 It’s Useless To Apologize

This livestream account wasn’t new; it started a year ago and was called Roasting Livestream. Usually, this host enjoyed roasting others and often criticized people. Almost thirty percent. of the celebrities in the entertainment industry had been roasted by him, and even people. been roasted by him, and even people from real life and news had been verbally attacked by him.

He also enjoyed watching other people’s live streams while streaming himself, and with his

he roasted and verbally attacked other hosts. For example, he would mock their appearance, body shape, and voice and embarrass them.


His fans were no saints, either. They would join him in criticizing and behaving extremely badly toward others. As a result, this livestream account was often reported and suspended. for rectification.

Anyway, this host just wanted to gain popularity through negative means, and he was a fan of Jodie, treating her like a little angel. So, today, in the live chat, he was one of the harshest.

critics of Simone.

When he saw Simone using the backlash charm in her live stream to counterattack, he didn’t believe it at all, but suddenly, he thought of a way to make money–intentionally starting at livestream to see if he would be counterattacked. Then, his viewership would skyrocket.

Sure enough, after using this gimmick, the number of viewers on his livestream kept increasing. At the moment, he was outside eating noodles, but he couldn’t wait to start the live stream for the sake of viewership.

In the beginning, he greeted everyone with a smile, walking and livestreaming at the same time while roasting Simone. He also used another phone to start a stopwatch. Exactly fifteen minutes later, he smiled and said, “It’s time. Let’s see if this so–called backlash charm works. I don’t believe it, anyway. Today, I will expose Simone, the self–proclaimed geomancy master, together with all of you.”

There were many people in the live stream who had previously criticized Simone, and they also joined in the excitement while the other viewers remained silent and just watched.

Just as he was bragging, the camera suddenly shook violently. Next, everyone saw that the livestreaming host, holding a phone, had tripped and fallen face–down on the road. When he got up with the phone in his hand, everyone saw that his mouth was bleeding and he had lost. a few teeth.

Just fifteen minutes have passed, and he has already been counterattacked.

Go on with your arrogant ways!”

this is

anchor had just reached fifteen minutes of live streaming when he slipped and fell, losing

only spewed nonsense, got injured from the fall.

bleeding and swollent Serves him right!‘

something supernatural was at play. Trying to maintain his composure, he said, “I was holding my phone and not paying attention to the road, which caused me to trip. It’s

soon as he drove a short distance, the tire

droppings on his face. Feeling disgusted, he immediately wiped his face clean with

these unfortunate incidents happening one

that, his other phoric, which wasn’t streaming, started ringing. He answered the call

lawsuit. This host had been in debt for


take long for his phone to ring again. This time, it was the management calling to inform him

calling someone to fix the water pipe, he closed the door and returned to the living room, but he slipped on the

and before he could even attend to his swollen face, the police suddenly showed up at

and paralyzed someone while driving under the influence and fled the scene. The accident happened in an area where the surveillance camera was broken that day, so the

was driving, which resembled the hit–and–run vehicle. That witness even saw the

they made a call and informed the victim’s family, who immediately reported it to the police.

the police at his door and knowing it was about the hit–and–run incident, the host.

insult Simone and intentionally live–streaming for more views.

livestream suddenly started apologizing and admitting their mistakes. They sent. numerous live chat messages, saying they were wrong and would never insult Simone again.

series of unfortunate events just like this host.

no filter when it came to their words. For example, they couldn’t help but blurt out what they thought about their boss, colleagues, annoying friends, and

their posts or comments that insulted others were dug up, and many around them found out, and those who had done unethical things in the past received just

instance, a fugitive murderer was recognized and reported to

to be arrogant and skeptical, but now they

by this outcome because no one expected Simone to be so powerful, and it turned out that most of these people who faced backlash had poor character in real life; some of them had even committed crimes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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