Chapter 209 Andrew and Jodie Caught in the Act

evening Andrew went to Salma’s ronin to find her. He approached cautiously and

om may laccompany you for dinner?

hell guilty towards his parents for secretly coming to Slovance.

John smeered. If you’re not going to have dinner with Jodie, why did you come to me?”

Andrew was speechless and replied, “Mom, that’s a bit harsh, isn’t it? As your son, shouldn’t I accompany you for dinner? And even if I go to have dinner with Jo, what’s the big deal?”

Why did everyone, whether it was Luca and Aaron or his mom, change their attitudes towards him after he went abroad with his father for a while?

Salma became angry when she saw his expression and said, “Then, why don’t you go have dinner with Simone?”

Andrew replied, “If I find her, will she even acknowledge me?”

He was aware of this fact.

“Mom, if you’re not going to eat, I’ll look for Jo.”

He originally wanted to go to the hospital to accompany Jo, and now he was just informing his mom beforehand.

Salma could see Andrew’s intentions. She was furious and said, “What kind of aphrodisiac did Jodie give you?”

Andrew helplessly replied, “Mom, if you’re in a good mood, just calm down. Why take it out on me and Jo?”

“She’s injured and living alone in the hospital. If you don’t care about her, can’t I care about her either?” His words choked Salma, who pointed to the door in anger and said, “Get out. If you want to go, then go.”

Little did she know that Andrew acted as if he had received a decree. He smiled and said, “Mom, then I’ll go.” After speaking, he quickly slipped away.

Salma was so angry that she almost had a heart attack.

He also gave his room card to Salma’s assistant and asked her to stay

never stayed in the room before. The assistant initially refused, but she


the took the foam card and left the

informed her about it. Salma asked her to come barre


  1. bed early but couldn’t fall asleep

and checked the time, and it was already midnight.

a moment and contacted Aaron and

them had already fallen asleep out of

from Salma

the hotel to pick up Salma, Luca rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked. “Mom, why are we going to the hospital at this hour?” And


Salma’s face looked at them with a stern face. “Andrew insisted on staying overnight at the hospital, sending my assistant

Luca and

That said, they became curious about how Andrew spent

door of the hospital room, the three

a look. He understood and reached out

was indeed


the lighting was not too dim. After entering, they could

that Andrew would be sitting on a chair or sleeping on a makeshift

his eyes toward the hospital bed. His eyes widened, and he quickly

and was startled.

it. Could it be what he was thinking?


turned on the lights in the room

phone, opened the camera, and started recording towards

saw Andrew intimately embracing

this scene, didn’t know what to say.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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