Chapter 208 Neither Can I Afford It, nor Do I Care

the begining Simone didn’t feel jealous or resentful when she observed the Gray family Jodie After all, strong affection would develop when one raised something for over yeare it a dog or a person

Upon returning to the Gray Family, Simone received a warm welcome. Steven immediately gave luer a bank card and told her to spend it as she pleased. If she ran out of money, she could ask Salma or him for more.

Sahna held her hand and tearfully expressed her relief about Simone finally returning home after suffering outside all these years.

Although the Gray brothers weren’t particularly warm, they didn’t have any ill intentions toward her at first. Even the coldest one, Andrew, would greet her and exchange a few words.

However, it didn’t take long for Jodie to start coming up with petty little tricks. She insinuated to the Gray Family that Simone wanted to take everything away from her, including her status as the Gray Family’s adoptive daughter.

Initially, they reprimanded Simone due to Jodie’s accusations. Simone explained herself, but they didn’t believe her. As the accusations continued, she grew tired of explaining because she realized it was pointless at all. Either way, because she constantly defended herself against their accusations of the things she didn’t do out of their trust for Jodie, the Gray Family began to think that Simone liked to cause trouble. They were biased, only believing in their adoptive daughter, whom they had raised for over ten years, instead of their biological daughter, who had been wandering outside for over ten years.

Simone felt saddened and disappointed by their unconditional favoritism toward Jodie and the differential treatment. Actually, if they had taken the time to investigate Jodie’s instigations and insinuations, they would see who was lying. But they didn’t.

For that reason, their so–called concern and care were just a joke for Simone. That was why she wanted to leave the Gray Family before she was kidnapped in her previous life. She completely lost hope in them when they chose to save Jodie first.

Salma didn’t expect Simone to not only refute her but also say such hurtful words. Indeed, Simone had treated us well and cared about us. But we’re family, aren’t we? Shouldn’t we be supposed to care about each other? Besides, we were blinded before, which led to misunderstandings.

Why must Simone keep holding onto this and not let go?

Even though Salma was angered by how Simone mocked her for being shameless, she managed to hold back her anger and said, “The past is in the past. We know we have misunderstood you.” Looking sincere, she continued, “That’s why we want to bring you back home. From now on, we will make it up to you and genuinely treat you well.”


** long? Her eyes were full of indifference and detachment. Save you and compensation for Jodie to enjoy. Neither can I afford it, nor do I care.

ced at her watch. I didn’t expect that these are the things that you want to say therwise, I wouldn’t have wasted nearly ten minutes here. I’m going back to my Fool to rest. Mrs. Gray, feel free to stay in this lobby as long as you want!” Indeed, she didn’t expect Salina to come and make amends with her.

So they start discovering Jodie’s true colors, realizing they had misunderstood me in the past, and remember my good qualities, huh? Who do they think they are for controlling me as they please?

Simone finished speaking and left without waiting for Salma to say anything.

Salma was dumbfounded. When she turned around to look at Simone’s figure, she disappeared from her sight.


anger and disappointment lingered in

so indifferent toward her. After all, they were blood–related! She had now realized that her

even came to make amends with Simone in person, attempting

and taken the initiative, but

bit of

been following Salma and

was surprised by

want to return to the

Salma and thought, They shouldn’t have been heartless toward Simone in the first place. Since blood ties are so important to me, why did they

adoptive daughter, they came seeking out biological daughter. Isn’t this


it’s not like Simone is


your room to rest? Or are you

I’m not

biological daughter’s indifferent demeanor pissed her off.

an enemy rather than her

it’s my maiden family or the Gray Family I married into, none has ever treated me like this before..

mocked me so openly, not to mention that

and anger built up inside her,

no appetite for dinner.

husband’s assistant. Im going back to my room to rest. You can go about your own business. I’ll contact you if I

assistant nodded. “Alright!” After Salma returned to her room, the more she thought. about the incident in the


recount the conversation with Simone. Steven couldn’t help but be speechless.

her now?” he asked. Isn’t that

I wanted to mend our relationship and meet her, so I figured this was a perfect opportunity for me to do so. Little did I know that she didn’t show me any sign of respect. What do you suggest we should


have taught her brothers a lesson

declined with an indifferent demeanor when I called her and asked her


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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