Chapter 38

“Lucretia, bad news. Jenson is caught!”

Lucretia, who had just walked out of Diamonds Group, received a call from Susan.

“Mom, what’s going on?”

pick him up. His classmates said that Jenson was taken away by a bad man. What should I do?”

“I came to the school to pick him up.

On the phone. Susan’s voice was extremely anxious as she cried.

“Mom, don’t cry. I’ll be right there!”

Lucretia was anxious but she did not forget to say to herself, Jenson, don’t be afraid. Mommy is here!”

Lucretia opened the car door and sat in the car. She drove out of the underground garage.

“Fuck, she escaped!”

A few men in black suits looked angrily at the car that was getting further and further away.

Immediately, one of the men in black took out his phone and made a call. T’m sorry, Henry. Lucretia ran away!”

Henry’s voice came from the phone. “It doesn’t matter. I’ve already caught Xavier’s son. You guys can come back.”

“Okay.” After hanging up, the men in suits prepared to leave.

At this moment, a tall man blocked their way.

“Who are you?” the leading man in a suit shouted.

“The one who wants to kill you!”

As soon as he finished speaking. Barnaby started attacking.

In less than one minute, seven or eight men in suits were all knocked down.

“Tell me immediately, who sent you?” Barnaby asked.

He picked up one of the men in black and interrogated him as if he were picking up a chick

The man in black glanced at Barnaby coldly. The man smiled bitterly with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. “You want to know? I won’t tell you. Dream onl

After saying that, the man bit and ate the poison in his mouth.

Immediately after, the remaining men in black bit the poison in their mouths and committed suicide one by one.

Seeing this, Barnaby frowned suddenly

Then, he tore open the clothes of a man and discovered that there was a leaf-shaped tattoo below his neck.

“Brave soldier?”

Barnaby was experienced in battle, so he naturally recognized this special identity mark.

speaking, only brave soldiers trained by certain powerful families would have a




Barnaby immediately called Xavier.

and find out Jenson. The brave

explaining what had just happened, Barnaby immediately

received the task

same time, Xavier hung up with

hesitation, he immediately rushed

As he drove, Xavier recalled the

his connections with the Pemberley family had been cut off. He did not expect the Anderson clan to still be

Xavier did have a

had been arranged he be by Lucretia’s side to

who was from the Cavanaugh clan, had been arranged

Xavier was in

Starhaven’s clans had ulterior motives, he still had the ability to

of this, Xavier

no one

sense of uneasiness welled up in his heart. Xavier’s expression was dark and ruthless. If anything

fast and left for Earth Kindergarten immediately.

you will

Ryan intercepted Henry, who was carrying Jenson

are very arrogant!” Henry shouted angrily and threw the unconscious Jenson to the

Cavanaugh clan? Henry thought

family has long sensed it. It’s a pity that with your

would happen, Henry didn’t waste time and prepared

In comparison, Ryan

Ryan knew that Henry in front of him was powerful, protecting Jenson was his

attack, Henry’s body moved slightly and he dodged.




heavy slap, Ryan was sent flying.

few mouthfuls of blood, Ryan felt that a

pain, Ryan went

did not slow down or weaken because of the

punch was even faster and more powerful

from the Cavanaugh clan, interesting!”

eyes revealed a

it was

In the next

made a fatal

great Warrior

‘Go to hell!”

strike was powerful

landed on Ryan’s chest

with a broken string, Ryan flew away and landed heavily on the ground.

hit him, and his internal organs

the bones in

and strength to fight after being hit by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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