Chapter 39

“I’m sorry, the number you have dialed has been suspended…”

Lucretia heard the voice on the phone, her body shook violently.

“Mom, I can’t get through.”

“I just said that this young master of Starhaven is not reliable at all.

“There was nothing wrong with chasing him away back then! Susan looked cold and said unhappily.

“Mom, don’t say anymore. Look at the situation now. We should quickly think of a way to find and save Jenson.”

After hearing that, Lucretia refuted it unhappily.

Seeing this, a trace of displeasure flashed across Susan’s face as she said. “The bad guy only caught Jenson. It must be because Xavier offended someone. Otherwise, why did he only catch Jenson among so many children? He is a jinx!”

Susan was still complaining when Lucretia went straight to Jim.

After knowing her identity, Jim said to her, “Ms. Pemberley, don’t worry. We will definitely do our best to find your child.”

In fact, the moment the police officers arrived at the kindergarten, they checked the surveillance footage.

However, the other party did it prepared.

The surveillance cameras in the four directions of the kindergarten were all destroyed.

For a moment, the police officers had no clue They could not find out anything.

The only clue at the moment was that the person who captured Jenson was a mysterious old man. A few little girls said this.

After hearing Jim’s answer, Lucretia felt that she was extremely desperate.

“Jenson, my dear Jenson, where are you?

The tears that she had been holding back kept dripping down.

“Let’s go, I’ll bring you to save Jenson!”

Just as Lucretia was about to despair, a familiar voice sounded.

She felt as if she had been struck by lightning as her body trembled violently.

She looked up and saw Xavier’s cold and determined face.

“I’m sorry, Lucretia. I’m late”

“You are a bad man. You left me without a word. I hate you. I hate you…,”

Lucretia pounced into Xavier’s arms and punched his chest wildly.

for the past two months

down a little, she reacted and said anxiously, “Xavier, Jenson has been captured by a bad person.

Xavier patted Lucretia’s back and said


soon as Xavier finished speaking, Barnaby walked

private plane of the Anderson clan

Lucretia looked suspicious. She asked, “You

“Hello, Lucretia!”


Osric arrived in a hurry.

We’ll take off

little unhappy and he said, “Xavier, I’m not your subordinate.

he saw Xavier’s expression gradually


fighter jet for

saying that, Osric turned around unhappily and

“Xavier, the Heavenrage Legion has already gathered. They can rush to Starhaven at

head and said. “This time, the Heavenrage Legion can’t

Bamaby asked in

in Starhaven is a private grudge between the clans. If the Heavenrage Legion interferes, the other twelve legions

Avaloria will be in

focus on guarding

shoulder, Xavier brought Lucretia and walked

matter started because of me. I will definitely bring Jenson back to unscathed.”

Susan didn’t say anything.

you to Starhaven to save

save our son!”

Unfortunately, Xavier did not understand the hidden meaning in

the two of them

jet had been here for a long

was ashen. He stood at

him and

as Xavier finished speaking, they boarded the fighter


time, Starhaven was exceptionally

and it

courtyard house of the Cavanaugh clan, three old men were sitting in front of the table.

Ronald, and

nothing goes wrong, he will arrive at Starhaven in two hours,” Ronald spoke first.

issued an edict. From tonight onwards. Starhaven will enter the

Eight Clans, immediately after, Andrew said



Cavanaugh clan to the south gate to welcome the return of the third-generation legitimate son of the Cavanaugh


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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