Sasha paused briefly in surprise before replying, “No, I’m not.”

“I know you are, Mommy! You haven’t been talking much tonight, Mommy! Did someone bully you? You can tell Vivi! Vivi will avenge you!”

Vivian waved her meaty fist in the air as she said that, and Sasha couldn’t help but smile in response.

She’s such a sweet child, but there’s no way I could tell her even if I really was bullied!

Sasha returned to her bedroom after Vivian had fallen asleep, but her suffocating restlessness kept her awake.

Feeling like she needed someone to talk to, she whipped out her phone and began scrolling through her list of contacts.

After a bit of scrolling, she finally saw a name that caught her eye.


“Well, well, well… If it isn’t the great Ms. Nancy? I didn’t think you’d call!”

A familiar voice could be heard saying that in a joking manner the moment the call got through.

helpless chuckle and asked, “Haha! What are you saying? Anyway, what have you been up to lately?

same job every day, shuttling between my house and


been there to stop me,

as she tightened

what’s with the silence? What about you, huh? What are you

you a question?” Sasha was a little hesitant at first, but decided to

heard how formal Sasha sounded and realized she

responded in a more serious manner

if I told you that I feel like

was drinking a glass of water when she heard that and spat

with this woman? Why on earth would she want to get back with that

not suffered enough because of him? What, dying once wasn’t enough for you?” Willow lashed out at her as she remembered how he had hanged her

she began to regret talking to Willow

know the truth about us… Damn it, why

I was just

Nancy! We’ve been friends for so many years now! Do you think I don’t know you well enough? You wouldn’t just bring this up for no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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