Chapter 0330

After bringing the cookies to Elva and spending some time with her, I set out again, this time in search of Nicholas.

My intentions were dual purpose. I wanted to speak with him as Julian suggested, as well as check on his wounds. He was a fast healer, but his bruises were many. I’d rest easier when I could see him healed with my own eyes.

After checking where he was staying with Mark, I located the correct guest room. The door was already open, Nicholas was sitting inside at a desk, reading through some papers. A line of worry creased the center of his brow.

I knocked and he glanced up from his paperwork. Immediately, that worry line vanished.


“May I come in?”

“Please.” He stood up from behind the desk.

I entered the room and closed the door behind me. “I was hoping to check on your bruises.”

“I’m doing much better.” He began to roll up his sleeves.

I came closer to see. Some of the bruises were still there, but they were more faded then they had been the last time I’d inspected them. After another day, they’d probably disappear entirely.

Relief flooded through me so much that I slumped where I stood. Nicholas, worried, stepped closer as if to catch me from falling. I wasn’t going to fall, though I sort of wished I was, just to be in his arms again.

“This isn’t the only reason I came here,” I said.

He lifted a brow. “No?”

I pressed my lips hard together. I didn’t really know how to begin this discussion. I supposed the best way over was through, though, so I pushed forward, albeit somewhat clumsily.

“I have to kiss Julian.”

Nicholas straightened. His arms went rigid at his sides. His jaw clenched.

“Things are more complicated now. The producers are making demands. I had thought we could just hold hands or something,” I said, “But they want more intimacy. And with the King keeping track now… I don’t think there’s a way around it. I have to kiss him.”

“I’ve known that from the start, Piper,” Nicholas said.


“You have?”

a curt nod. “I have been trying to… contain my jealousy. I know I have no right to

in my ears. “You’re jealous?” I knew it, but

said instantly, with more

I licked my lips. I’d applied lip balm since my

I said. “I

His lip twitches, an almost smile. “And who

appreciated the game. It felt fun, to be flirted with by the man I held

I was right in front of him now. I placed

way I know exactly who

At once, he

He takes control of the kiss at once, and I’m

his mercy.

hum into his mouth. He growls

my neck. The producers had smirked when they saw the bruises there. They had assumed Julian had left them, and Julian was eager

over them

I sighed. I could happy live in this moment alone if I had the power to stop

soothing the pleasure pain he’d caused. I wished he could mar my entire body with those same love bites. Maybe someday we

be overly intimate, for the sake of his future bride if not for my heart alone. If we laid together, and then were

if I was strong enough to

dropped his forehead onto



kissing him, but I know why you have to,” he said. “I wish more than anything that you didn’t have to. But for the good of

glanced back at his desk, at the papers there. Were they some kind of report? He likely knew about the


“If they weren’t… If

to gaze down into

is going to try to take you

He knows we are only

and se xy. “When he tries anything … When he kisses you… I want you to

up my spine. “What’s

He kissed

fell into the feel of

against my lips. “So I know when not to watch

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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