Chapter 0331

Fear drove all feeling from my body. Then, at once, in a wave, in all came rushing back, and I was moving.

Mark had turned to lead us, but he was too slow. I already knew the way, so I started to run.

My little girl was sick. I had to get back to her side as soon as I could.

It didn’t make any sense. I was just there with her, eating cookies and having fun. She had seemed fine then, in good health. How could the illness set in so quickly? Usually there was at least symptoms before!

1 needed to get back to her. My poor girl was probably as scared as me. She never understood why her body would just stop working.

I didn’t understand it either.

As I ran, two pairs of footsteps followed close behind. Nicholas had followed then. Good. If I didn’t have his presence nearby, I might fall apart when the time for waiting began.

“I’ve already called the doctor,” Mark alerted them as they ran.

“Good,” Nicholas said.

the hallway of my

identification answer. “Paprika!” I said again, in case

as I came close. I shoved the door

the bed. Elva was within it. Her cheeks were pale,

take a breath. I placed my hand to her forehead. She


here, honey. It’s

she said,

seeing my heartbreak written all over Nichola s’s

Mark. “Where



doesn’t make any sense,” Charlotte said. “We were having a

said, sobbing into her hands.

I couldn’t offer comfort to anyone but my whimpering daughter right now. I leaned into Elva. “Shh. It’s okay. The doctor will be here

the nanny’s shoulder. “It’s not your fault. Let’s

danger passed, I would apologize to the nanny

lifted her hand and I quickly took

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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