Sylvia's POV:

Edwin didn't add anything important. He just admitted that he mistook me for someone else.

"Who did you mistake her for?" Leonard asked, raising his eyebrows. "I'm sure I know everyone you know."

Hearing his words, something struck me, and I answered, "Edwin and I were talking about my mother, Olivia Todd. Did you also know her?"

Leonard frowned and contemplated for a while. Then he shook his head and said, "No."

He looked at Owen in confusion. "Did you know Sylvia's mother?"

Owen monotonously said, "No."

"When did you meet her?" Leonard turned his attention back to Edwin.

Edwin coughed and seemed a little embarrassed. "We met in a battle."

battle? Then I must know her too." Leonard was even more perplexed. "I have fought every battle beside

no choice but to say, "The Blood Moon Battle, when we

place over a decade ago?"

there being such a battle, but I just can't recall the details." After thinking for a while, Leonard still couldn't

"That battle wasn't too complex, so it's natural that

race had suffered major losses in that battle,"

eyes. "You remember it wrong. You were not present for that battle. Warren had just

in his head. "I remember now! I was going to accompany you, but Warren was born on the same day we were

the three of

tugged Rufus' sleeve and asked him, "Do you

records in

once. My intuition told me that Edwin would be an opening leading to the

Blood Moon Battle. He sighed and said, "The

an important battle. Forget it,"

such a poor memory now? I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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