Sylvia's POV:

As soon as I got back to my dorm room, I immediately looked into about the exact time, place, and details of the battle that Edwin mentioned.

It took place nineteen years ago, which meant that I had not been born yet when it happened.

Apparently, several packs and tens of thousands of werewolves were involved in this battle.

This was no small battle. Just going by the numbers alone, it seemed to be an important one. Many generals also died on the field because of this, almost wiping out the werewolf race completely. This was totally different from how Edwin described it.

I began to suspect Edwin even more. He could be hiding something.

Judging from his attitude as well, it seemed that Edwin didn't want Leonard and Owen recalling the details of this battle either.

What on earth happened that he didn't want people to remember?

in my thoughts, Flora came

gave me before she died. I quickly took out the cloth bag and confirmed

this was the pattern of your pack's old

was so long ago that I couldn't find much information about it anymore. I then asked my friends in the pack about it. They all agreed that the pattern was familiar, but they couldn't remember where they'd


cloth bag to Rufus. If

but it was not used later. It

didn't return to the royal palace. Instead, he

you doing here?" "I found some more clues about my father." I told him immediately. Intrigued,

handed the item to Rufus. "Remember this thing I told you

looked at it and nodded. "Yes, Silver Moon

that familiar with

very familiar with

noble status in the pack

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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