Sylvia's POV:

I sensed something unusual when I stepped into the palace. Everyone looked quite serious and seemed to be in haste. I had no idea what they were busy with.

I felt a little uneasy. I quickened my pace to get to Leonard's office in time, but I couldn't find him there.

Then I went to his room but couldn't find him there either.

At this point, I was growing restless. Quickly, I made my way downstairs, where I was greeted by a guard. I remembered that he worked for Leonard.

I stopped him and asked, "Where is Alpha Leonard?"

The guard recognized me and stammered with embarrassment.

I asked again, "Where is Alpha Leonard? Tell

to look at me. He stammered, "He

couldn't believe his words. "Dead? What

person die suddenly for no reason? The last

narrate what happened. "It's Miss Alina's fiance, Chet. He

War. How could someone much weaker than he could manage to kill him so easily?" Fear and anger rose in my voice. The guard's words struck fear in my heart because I knew they might

don't want to believe this either. Although Alpha Leonard defeated him, he was also fatally wounded.

disbelief and staggered backward. "No, I don't believe that Leonard is dead. You are kidding me, right? Leonard must be playing a trick on everyone. He's just playing us, right?" As I spoke, my voice cracked with grief, and my

guard looked at me sadly with teary eyes. He looked very strong. His tanned skin

couldn't hold

stabbed directly in his

buzzing. As much as I tried to tell myself to calm down, I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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