Sylvia's POV:

Thankfully, a pair of big hands caught my body before I could drop on the floor.

I raised my head stiffly. It was Rufus who came in a hurry. Judging from the expression on his face, he seemed to have also heard what had happened. "Sylvia, you need to calm down," he uttered worriedly as he held me.

But I couldn't calm down at all. I grabbed the guard's collar and asked frantically, "Where is Leonard?"

The guard started to speak but held his tongue after giving it some thought. He probably thought I still refused to believe him. "Alpha Leonard is really dead."

I finally lost it and said, "Whatlamaskingyouis..." Words seemed to have left my head as I couldn't finish my sentence. There was a lump in my dry throat, and my voice was extremely hoarse. "Where is his... his body?"

The guard choked with sobs and began to wail. I was able to pinpoint the body's whereabouts in between his sobs.

away as I released his collar

I turned around and hurried to that

place, I was stopped by the guards at the

out of my way," I

of them said sternly, "Miss Alina doesn't allow anyone


death had something to do with her. The soldiers were hostile after hearing what I said. "You are not allowed to enter. Can you bear the dire consequences

to know I was serious as

Whenlwasabouttocomeintoconflict with them...

glare at the men and said in a cold voice, "Open the door. Your Alpha is dead. It's

dilemma. They seemed to be afraid of Rufus' authority,

nowhere, the door

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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