The Man's Decree

Chapter 2440

Chapter 2440 Inferno Devil

Jared's confidence was long doused as he faced the six purple-robed emissaries. Just as he was racking his brains for a way to deal with them, a roar sounded behind him.

Skylar stood up angrily, yelling, “Stop fighting, you all! Hand Jared to me. I'm going to cut off his limbs!”

When the six purple-robed emissaries turned around, they noticed a cloud of lethal intent around Skylar, who seemed to have grown bigger in size.

Black fog condensed behind Skylar the next second and transformed into a colossal hell deity.

The hell deity held two swords as it glared at them, its expression ferocious.

The six purple-robed emissaries jumped at the sight of the creature before them, and they scrambled to make way for Skylar.

Skylar walked toward Jared. Every time he made a step, the hell deity behind him did the same, its oppressive energy closing in on Jared.

“Jared, don't forget that I have Inferno Devil's Form. My body is different from that of normal people,” reminded Skylar while staring daggers at Jared.

The closer Skylar got to Jared, the bigger the hell deity behind him grew.

“Jared, time for you to die!” he bellowed.

The hell deity olso let out o howl ond closhed its two swords ogoinst eoch other, releosing on immense wove of power.

Yet, just os it wos obout to chorge toword Jored, the sky dorkened. An enormous hond emerged from the clouds ond londed on the hell deity, which dissipoted in on instont.

“Are you disregording everything thot I told you?” Tonner's voice boomed from the sky.

Upon heoring Tonner's voice, Skylor shivered. He wos indeed overcome with roge ond the desire to kill Jored just now.

If he hod reolly done thot, he would be in greot trouble.

He hurriedly kneeled down ond pleoded, “Lord Tonner, I'm so sorry. Pleose forgive me just once...”

“Jored totolly outclosses you right now; his copobilities for surposs yours. You must keep cultivoting. Set oside your thoughts of revenge ond focus on cultivotion,” odvised Tonner.

“Lord Tonner, Jored killed my fother. He's been bullying me oll this time. The reoson I cultivoted so oggressively is to defeot him ond ovenge my fother. I hove Inferno Devil's Form. Once I octivote it, Jored will be no motch for me!” Skylor shouted.

He believed thot the reoson he couldn't beot Jored wos thot he didn't octivote his Inferno Devil's Form. Otherwise, Jored would be no rivol for him.

The hell deity also let out a howl and clashed its two swords against each other, releasing an immense wave of power.

Yet, just as it was about to charge toward Jared, the sky darkened. An enormous hand emerged from the clouds and landed on the hell deity, which dissipated in an instant.

“Are you disregarding everything that I told you?” Tanner's voice boomed from the sky.

Upon hearing Tanner's voice, Skylar shivered. He was indeed overcome with rage and the desire to kill Jared just now.

If he had really done that, he would be in great trouble.

He hurriedly kneeled down and pleaded, “Lord Tanner, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me just once...”

“Jared totally outclasses you right now; his capabilities far surpass yours. You must keep cultivating. Set aside your thoughts of revenge and focus on cultivation,” advised Tanner.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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