[Bonus chapter for reaching 100 powerstones. Next at 200]

"Something like that is possible…?"

"No… It should be completely impossible. I can't fathom what level of intellect it would take to do something like this. It's even more impressive that this person managed to keep the final product simple enough that it could be used."

"If even you say it's impossible, then how are you so sure? How did you even guess at all?"

"I'm very sensitive to things related to bodies… abilities, even if they manifest with the same or similar result very rarely have the same process. I might have superior physical strength, but the reason that I do is because my true ability is related to an innate sense I have for what the body needs and what changes it has undergone… It's a bit difficult to explain in a few words, but it's ultimately the reason I was slotted in as a Five Star health professional."

Leonel's brows raised. This was the first time he had heard of Aina's profession.

When it came to the Gene Assessment and its results, the more general the title you were given, the more talented you were. To be named as a 'health professional', this was about as general as titles came, while 'quarterback', in Leonel's case, was about as specific as you could get.

Simply put, anyone who birthed a child like Aina was basically guaranteed to rise up in the world no matter what their original standing was. That said, considering the wrist watch on Leonel's arm had informed him that it understood less than 5% of his DNA, how accurate could his own Assessment have possibly been, then?

"Thanks to my ability, I subconsciously know the best way to train my body. It's because of that that my physical stats are so high. The limitation of my ability, though, is that it doesn't seem to carry over into Force."

Though there was nothing special about Aina's words, and even despite the life or death situation they were currently in, Leonel couldn't help but smile. He just liked learning more about her and liked it even more when it was her speaking to him about it.

"… What are you smiling about?"

Leonel coughed lightly. "Nothing. Nothing at all."

confusion, but gave up on finding a real answer

should we

to leave through these tunnels, we'll only fail miserably. I feel that we're stuck in a cage right now and the power backing this cage won't fade for a long while. But, staying here for just a week

my fault… I should know better by now. If I


Aina. He couldn't help but look toward her with shock

Aina's voice became soft. "Let's focus on how to leave

and closed several times

he walked toward the only things left to analyze in

It was a shame that Nicolas died before truly using this cane's power. It left Leonel in the dark about how it actually

that this cane was different from the Mayan Priest's sacrificial

small desk at the

diagrams… Are they Force

when she heard this, swiftly

say?" Aina

Arts from

writing?" Aina

saying that Force Art is akin to a Third Dimensional existence writing

to replicate are even rarer than that. I've only seen a few Force Arts.

he suddenly thought of

an act of madness, he brought Nicolas' cane over his

was shocked by his actions, but after seeing what

of Force Arts on the inside. And, judging by the fact that aside from inks and pens, Nicolas'

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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