Leonel's expression gained a bit of dignity. They hadn't been here for long, yet so many inexplicable things were unfolding before him.

Gritting his teeth, Leonel made a decision.

"I know how we can get out of here."

Aina was just as intelligent as Leonel was. Though her thinking speed fell several steps behind him after he awakened his ability, when given enough time, her conclusions wouldn't be much different from his own. This was why when she heard this, her expression immediately changed.

"No. No. Absolutely not. We can think of another way. You have no idea what kind of side effects there might be. I won't let you."

Leonel smiled bitterly.

"I wish I knew more about this world, but unfortunately I don't. This is the only solution I can think of, and considering the current abilities of my mind… That's saying a lot."

Aina's eyes involuntarily reddened.

Leonel walked to Nicolas' desk and picked up one of his pen-shaped knives. He looked at it before a moment, hesitating. He didn't even notice when Aina's small hand crossed his field of vision and clamped down on the palm he held it in.

"It's too risky." Aina tried to steady the trembling in her voice. "We don't understand the diagrams to begin with, who knows what it will do to you? For all we know, Nicolas didn't even have his own will."

clenched. Sure enough, Aina had thought of the

together by a large scale Force Art. The problem was that neither he nor

try and deduce the mysteries through Nicolas' countless notes, he had no confidence in doing so

the ability Nicolas had, allowing him to comprehend these Force Arts quickly. With the processing power of his mind, as long as he had this starting point,

his ignorance. Joan worshiped Nicolas more than she did even the Catholic Church. Yet, they had very

the destination ahead only had one path, yet it was fraught with danger, left him in a steadily darkening state. But somehow, Aina's hand, despite being so much smaller than

warmly, his back

Aina's hand from his palm, his gaze flickering when he noticed that the sharp etching tool he had

of cloth from his linen

option to do this. With my ability, I'll be able to make the best use of it. Plus, I won't need to draw it as large

as he set her hand down and drew the first slice of flesh

awakening his ability. Without a single pause, he drew the complex Force Art across his skin, the

drew was barely deeper than a usual paper cut and was a fraction of the size of Nicolas'. But,

and ricocheting off of the stone beneath their feet. The dull echoes rebounded across the walls of the underground sewage system, giving the

coordination stat was exceptionally high. It took him not more than a few

was a faint wisp of light and a subtle

was right. Drawing Force Art is like an author writing down a story. But that also means that if you want to influence a Dimension, you must be applying pressure from

fundamental concept like

tremble to his core. He didn't know exactly what they were, but his analytical mind could already see through the parts of this Force Art that contributed nothing to its main ability of passing down this power of understanding. It didn't take a genius to figure out that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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