The first thing Rui did was begin documenting the entire scene, he used the eco-survey device that the Ministry of Ecology and Environment provided to him and carefully used it to collect pictures. He especially documented the refilled hole, extensively documenting it so that it couldn't possibly under-considered when the Ministry went over his reports.

Once he was done, he began considering his options.

The first option was to simply routinely continue his mission according to recommended guidelines, and hope for the best. Ultimately, neither the Martial union and Ministry expected a Martial Apprentice to solve the entire mystery of the mysterious creature all by himself, as long as he fulfilled his duties, he wouldn't receive any backlash.

However, this route reduced the probability of Rui succeeding in completing the mission objectives. Which meant that Rui would not receive the full mission reward if he went down this route, most likely at the very least.

The second option was to take a more proactive reconnaissance approach to the matter as a whole and begin verifying and gathering evidence of his hypothesis, or gather evidence that ends up disproving his hypothesis one way or another.

And eventually use this hypothesis to actually fulfill the first objective of his nested mission, which was to collect swathes of data regarding the beast so that the Ministry new exactly what they were dealing with.

He had already resolved to go for the latter, he just wanted to make sure he wasn't missing anything and had considered his available courses of action.

down on a rock after he finished documenting all that needed to be documented. ('Time to make

in. He didn't particular care either, if his hypothesis was even partially true, then the on-land grid searching was frankly entirely useless and

Rui established. ('To do that I primarily need to document its appearance as well as its habitat

of the small devices the commission department of the Ministry Ecology and Environment, it was meant to serve as a rough tracker that Rui

his mission. If his theory was true, then he would be able to predict or manipulate the beast to some extent. Using this,

Since if the theory or hypothesis wasn't accurate enough, any plan based on the theory would simply fail. Thus, succeeding

the plan failed, then it was a strong indicator that his theory was partially or entirely wrong, or incomplete. Which

way, he gained

my conjecture

plan needed to rely on predictions that Rui could make if the beast was indeed a subterranean

that it likely hunted in the direction that it detected the seismic radiation characteristic of hooves of herbivorous animals.

the very least as fast Rui, perhaps even faster. This was based on the fact that the creature was already out of Rui's Seismic Mapping range by the time Rui

powerful animals that could potentially kill it. This would explain why it scurried away the moment it sensed Rui, and also why it didn't hunt for the largest herd of animals that Rui had been surveilling two days ago. This also indicated that the beast was certainly cautious and had some degree of rationality, despite its immense

and perhaps that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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