"Apprentice Rui Quarrier." A woman sitting at a desk said. "We have gone over your request and have accepted it, as we informed you. The items you requested will arrive soon enough."

Rui merely nodded on the other side. "Thank you."

It had been a week since he had accepted the Shaia Plains nested mission. He had filed a request to the commission department of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment for certain items when he had finally come up with a plan to tackle the beast.

Normally, requesting the client for help was considered unprofessional. However, the ministry was not an ordinary client, but much more of a collaborator. This was thanks to the Kandrian Martial Convenant that specified the terms of cooperation between the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Martial Union and its Martial Artists.

Thus, he was able to request aid from the ministry without any compunctions. Thankfully, his request was accepted. That was the reason he had visited the closest branch of the ministry; to receive the items he had requested.

"May I know what the evaluation of the intelligence that I documented was?" Rui inquired. "It would be quite helpful to understand what actual experts think of the data I documented and the hypothesis I provided."

"It was quite surprising for us to find such a nuanced take and analysis in your personal statement, considering you're not an expert on the field." She replied with an intrigued expression. "Yet your analysis was quite valid and sound although rough around the edges, the evidence is well documented and supportive of the overall narrative."

Rui nodded. As long as the Ministry of Ecology and Environment was receptive of the hypothesis, then he likely hadn't made any glaring errors when formulating it. Now the only thing he had left to do was execute his plan.

your strategy, it is a rather novel way of going about reconnaissance." She said. "We

he collected the items he had requested. "Well, I'll take

official as he set out to return to the Shaia Plains. He was feeling pretty good about this plan in his

at the bag, holding it carefully, wary of what


plan. Within the big box in has arms were a large number of timed explosives that he had requested from

didn't care. He only cared about how

realized that he might be able to use this to his advantage. He recalled that just force from his running alone had caused enough seismic radiation to scare the beast

intended to turn into a blessing, by exploiting this trait

was simple; If intense seismic radiation made the beast stay away, then he could use this fact to restrict its hunting locations and targets. He could use this to manipulate it into going after the hunting target that Rui

different locations across the Shaia Plains and timing them to explode one-by-one just

manner that all hunting locations except for

his mission was likely to begin, the explosives would all detonate in rapid fashion. This would create immense seismic radiation from a lot of directions. However, the beast wouldn't be able to know the seismic radiation was caused by explosives. It was extremely likely that the beast would interpret the heavy seismic radiation as the presence of other predators, that had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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